Rapunzel Could Never

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-small time skip to inside cause nothing interesting happens other than a good angle on nates arse-

Slipping in through an open window we land with a thud on the wooden floor beneath the window. My hands ached from the climbing and the sheer amount of rocks that cut them and wood lodged in them. Stretching my hands i looked at them, they were red and sore, small callouses had formed by the joints on the inside of them along with a small cut in the palm where that damned ledge broke on me. 

"Hard to believe that hundreds of pirates came here waiting to be hanged."

I said calmly as we looked around the decaying building. There were cracks in the walls, well more like crevasses, and some stairs were missing with the warping of the ones that survived. The fousty smell of mould floated on the air as i walked down the stairs to a small bench where some papers were. They were old. Picking them up i read them. 

"Yesh i thought modern prisons were bad."

I put the paper back down and walked away heading up the stairs i came down to meet nathan up on the platform that had no stairs connecting them to where we were. 

Clambering up the ledge the floor had caved in borrow a few bits and pieces here and there, they were still stable as far as i could tell cause Nathan was trampling allover it. 

"The Spanish sure knew how to build a sturdy prison"

"Yeah and i wonder how many pirates met their maker here."

Verbalising those thoughts to hear Nathan mutter about how-many dying in here. Standing on the wooden platform we took a gander at the area hoping to find a way out of here. Turning my back on Nathan for mere seconds to look at the windows i hear a thud and cracking. I get faced with the sight of Nathan pulling his rope, not in a dirty way, to pull of some boards on a window. He strained for a few seconds and he tumbled back into me as the planks gave way.

"Easy there princess"

"Oh har har"

He mocked as he looked at the distance between the edge of the ledge and the open window. I slowly blinked, as i waited for him to see a grapple area. I coughed and he looked at me, thats when i let my eye float over to the grapple area. He sighed and took a swift walk opposite the window. I smiled and went to follow him. He took a throw and tarzaned his way over whilst vaulting over the window ledge to the outside. I hear him on the outside as i copy his swift swing, my heart jumping as i let go of the rope. 

"This is pretty amazing!"

Nathans voice is filled with excitement and thrill as he clambers up the side of the tower to see the entire Panamanian prison. I cough out a laugh as i can hear the child in the his voice.

"Sam's missing out!"

We clamber up the rest of the tower to another open window. Nate again laughed at the entire endeavour. We slipped through another window into what i think in Burnes cell, the guy who wrote the letter before he died. 

Nathan went in first with a thud on the surprisingly solid floor of his cell. I vault over the ledge and land, my heart racing as we finally made it to the cell.

The walls were covered with scratched and symbols galore, there were tallies of im guessing of how many days burnes was in this cell. The plaster was cracking and exposing stones with roman numerals engraved on them, my eyebrows raised as i looked up to see the star signs and some numbers next to them. Letting out a guttural laugh i hugged Nathan. He hugged back with a tight bear hug.

"We fucking did it Nate!"

"Dont count your chickens yet, we still have to find whatever he hid in here first."

I sighed and pulled back from the hug a bit so he could see my face, my face was blank and expressionless. He laughed and let me go, i brushed myself off. I let my eyes wander over the room taking in every feature engraved into the walls. Thats when a sun and moon symbol caught my eye. Letting my mind take over i thought, thats when i recognised the symbol.

"Wait Nate, come here a sec, doesn't that look familiar to you?"

Pointing to it as i walked over to it, i tapped the symbol and looked at Nathan, he gave me the same knowing look. He took out the paper that somehow didn't get shredded from his pocket. There was a moon symbol on the bottom front of the page. Nate flipped the paper around to get greated with the sun symbol. Putting two and two together, Nathan folded the paper to see the symbol. 

"Silver and gold.... And 2 zodiac signs... sagittarius and scorpio?"

I wagged my finger in the air looking at the signs on the walls.. Aries 7, Virgo 3, libra 5, Capricorn 1, scorpio 2, sagittarius 10 and Aquarius 12.





My eyes roamed the stones with the roman numerals on it, my finger still extended pointing to them. Muttering the numbers in numerals each one i crossed i heard nate catch on.

"Got it Xii"

I knelt down on the wood looking at the stone engraved with the number 12. Nate came up next to me as i pulled the rock out of its slot. Dust floated as i dropped the rock on the floor. A dark gap was exposed, looking at one another exitement tightened the atmosphere. I put my hand in the gap fumbling around, thats when i felt something. Looking as if there was nothin there i relaxed my shoulders and gave nathan a worried look. His face dropped so hard it could have made its way to australia. Smirking i pulled out the thing i hand mu hand on.

"You little shit"

I laughed as i looked at the item i pulled out. A cross, a hollow one at that. I handed it to Nathan as he gave me a side eye. He took the cross and his eyes glew as he admired the cross, Nathan held it up to his face and looked into the hollow cross.

"Its hollow... why would burns go though all that trouble to hide a hollow broken cross?"

"Hows bout we go to Sam and see what he has to say since he is our Avery expert."

Nathan hummed in agreement and offered me the cross back, i declined it and patted my back, he tilted his head in confusion, i put my hand down the back of my pants and pulled out the small golden tiger charm. His eyes narrowed and his neck moved forward a bit, i smirked and put it back, to a more comfortable position in my trousers. Nathan rolled the letter up and put it inside the cross.

"Are ya ready kids"

"Aye aye captin"

With that we left the cell.

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