Welcome to the Trash House

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He hopped off the bike and I stayed sat there as my body felt taken aback. Sam turned to face me and his face turned into a smirk watching me struggle to get off. My legs went numb as I hit the floor the gravel kicking up as I landed where I felt my legs buckle under my weight. Sam luckily was there to catch me.

"Mother fucker!" I laughed through my cussing smacking him as he held me up, his arm around my waist propping me up. He chuckled to himself and took me inside. The building was small on the outside of the city, it looked like an abandoned house. Its fading paint on the door along with the warped wooden beams supporting the shelter above the door and windows, ivy tracing the cracks and curves of the house. The unkempt garden filled with exotic plants and weeds the like it felt kind of homely in a weird way. Taking careful steps up the withered wood sam guided me into the house. We stood on the porch as sam took out the keys to this place from his pocket. With the turn of a key and a clunk, we were in.

"Welcome to my humble abode (n/n)" He took a bow and ushered me through the door frame. The building was beautiful in itself however the interior design needed an upgrade since the wallpaper was peeling and yellowing.

"Hmm did you decorate this yourself?" I waved my finger in the air and stumbled forward with sam guiding me still. He let out a huff and rolled his eyes at me. My legs felt stronger the more I walked towards what I assumed to be the front room as we turned right away from what I could see as the kitchen. Walking into the room I shook myself out of sams grasp as I felt stronger than I did getting off the bike. That fucker and his speed. Looking around the room took me by surprise it was small but spacious, to my left were several bookshelves littered with battered spines of books following that a mirror coated in a cloud of light dust smeared to create a gap to see into it. Wandering around the room I notice the back room, a fragile door with blistering paint falling off of it. That's when the dark leather sofa and fireplace caught my eye. The yellow cracks in the leather show its age-like wrinkled skin. The fireplace was old but recently used as you could smell the smoke of the logs that rested beyond the metal grate.

"Huh how did you get this place then aye, are you squatting here?" My eyes wandered to the ceiling as I spoke, the withered paint and plaster stained with a dark mark. Sam plopped himself down on the couch and spread his arms out on the top."Nah I know the guy that owns this place, he gave me a key since he knows what's up"Slightly shrugging I follow him to the sofa and sit down, the springs clearly broken and slightly uncomfortable to sit on. Sam acknowledged my discomfort and got up to put the fire on. He struck a match the sound echoing through the empty house. The flame danced illuminating his face with warm amber light, throwing the match into the fire the logs caught alight, the crackling relaxed us both in the room and the fire breathed a new life into the room. We looked at each other and started talking and laughing about dumb shit for hours.

"So why did ya bring me here?" I managed to speak between laughs, I held my stomach as I lent back into the sofa. Sam raised his eyebrows and smiled."Cant I look after a fellow escapee?""Oh har har, what's the job?" His face dropped as he leaned his head back against the back of the sofa."Am I that predictable?" He groaned and turned his head to face me. I did the same, my hair dripping with his and we again locked eyes."Yes Samuel you are, if your little bro can cox it then it's not much of a stretch is it?"Jolting himself forward he got off the sofa, turning to face me he offered me his hand.

"Oh going all gentleman, must be a biggie" Sam scoffed and smacked his lips as I took his hand, his soft but calloused, I flew forward steading myself before I fell into him. Luckily I didn't. We left the warmth of the room and went through the blistered paint door behind us. It opened with a squeak that would put any mouse to shame. The room was dim as the windows were covered, sam fumbled for the light switch till a click and a hum was heard from the dim orange bulb.An oak table sat in front of us and it was covered with papers and a laptop at one end, shelves littered with books and other materials. I was taken aback by the sight it was something out of a crime movie.

"Okay so you know how I said it must be a big one, this shit must be huge. What the fuck..."I walked to the table ignoring sam and picking up pieces of paper."'Captain Henry Avery... The Gunsway Heist... Libertalia.. Sam what is this"I held up a paper that I just read my face going warm out of excitement and anger. He didn't tell me sooner clearly I could have helped and all that. This means."Okay okay I could have told you sooner granted but I wanted to make sure that this was something worth our time." I lowered the sheet and crossed my arms shifting my weight onto my right leg. I tapped my foot in slight annoyance."I like that worth our time... have you told Nate what your upta? I guess not cause Nate would have flipped." Sam's shoulders slumped and threw his arms out.

"Look (y/n) this is big, Nate doesn't know that I found mum's stuff and that imma be getting it soon probably tomorrow ill go get her research. Mum would want this she started this. She told me stories of the fabled Libertalia and The Gunsway Heist!"He sounded like a madman but I did believe him he flicked through some papers and showed me some things about the history of Henry Avery and the founders of Libertalia.

"Okay so what's the plan now" he raised an eyebrow at me as his signature smirk formed again. He hunches over the table and shows me the woman he found to own his mum's research on Avery. His fingers looked like they were buckling under his weight as he looked for the papers."Okay, so this woman here she bought all the research my mum had on him and that. She's the first course of action, luckily it tells the address." I lean in as well the adrenaline kicking in about this find. How the fuck did sam pull all this off.

"So um you wanna stay the night here or have you got somewhere to be..." He rubbed the nape of his neck as he spoke to me, looking down at the floor towards the end of the sentence."I thought you and crystal were ya know" we shared the same apprehension as we spoke, the tension evident between us."Well we're on and off but it's been called off for a while now." he ran his hands over his arms and shrugged like it ment nothing to him."Ah I see, sure I can crash the night." His face lit up as I said yeah, but then he quickly composed himself with a cough and opened his hands as if to gesture to the front room again. I laugh and head into the front room, sam follows suit and closes the door behind himself. The fire is still burning, and the smell of smoke and ash filled the air as we walked in.

"So what're the sleeping arrangements?" Sam lent against the wall, as I turned to face him my lower back on the back of the sofa."Well, upstairs is available however it's mank, so i dont think you wanna be staying up there." Scrunching his nose as he spoke, I lifted my chin in agreement whilst my lower lip was pouted. Sam sauntered forwards and looked around.

"So your gonna have to stay in the same room as me for the night." he opened his arms with a cheshire grin that was kind of adorable."Oh what a travesty, how ever will I cope." I flicked my hand up to my forehead and mocked a British accent. Leaning onto the back of the sofa, my weight shifted causing my body to go right back.

"Oh shiittt"I felt myself fall onto the sofa, my legs flopping over my head as my body landed on the leather. I cusses under my breath as sam chortled to himself. My body rolled off the sofa and onto the floor with a gentle thud. My legs were still suspended in the air I moved them down to the floor, and I could see sam laughing like a lunatic in the background. He was hunched over his shoulders and his chest moving rapidly.I stumbled to my feet, brushing myself off and standing up straight. Sam came over to me and rolled his eyes wiping tears from his eyes as he plopped himself onto the sofa I just took a trip over."I wish I had a camera, that was the funniest shit I've seen in a while!" he laughed, a genuine gutteral laugh, his arms over his stomach as he looked at me. I shot him a glare and sat back onto the sofa where we locked eyes, I sharply looked away to the fire. The flames danced over the dark logs shifting in shape and colour. It changes from orange to dark red.There was a deafening silence as my muscles stretched, and my body and mind felt relaxed around sam, he cuddled up against the arm of the sofa so I did the same on the other side. Within minutes I could hear the soft snores of sam next to me, i lay there feeling comfortable and safe whilst i slowly drifted into a deep sleep.

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