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We both stood at the bottom of the steps, the wood of them splintered and well used from the repetitive usage. the sounds of thuds and cusses sounded through the thin flooring, small specks of dust falling each time he ethier fell or did a dramatic role. 

"So whose gunna go first?" i questiooned in a hushed voice to Elena who idled there looking up at the celing, "Ill go first cause if i can distract him till you get up and take the shot." Elena was right if she went first she could provide cover for me and then turn against him when the first shot lands. 

"That is admirable Elena, your sacrifice will not be wasted," I did a dramatic monologue esque voice, earning subtle laugh from her. without a second thought she holstered her weapon in the back of her worn denim jeans and started to climb up the steps. "Wait before you head off into uncharted lands what is my signal?" Continuing my dramatic voice over, she stopped on the ladder turning her head to me boping it from side to side as she thought to her self 

"It will be two knocks on the wood floor, that will be your que" Elena relayed the same energy i gave off when i spoke to her. I gave a salute, standing to attention as her head dissapared up into the attic. Everything fell silent, the thuds came to a stop and the soft tick of the hallway clock echoed through the house. taking this time to have a look around for any hidy holes for next time, i came to truly admire there house in the morning light. The pale painted walls reflecting the bright light making the room seem bigger than it was. It was a polished wood floor, small scratches made clear through the broken light that shone through the open doors leading to more rooms. 

There were too stomps on the floor, a small cloud of dust formed falling to the floor. My heart began to race, i couldnt stop smiling as i placed my hand to climb up the ladder. The wood was smooth but rough i could feel how well used it was as well as hear how it groaned as i put all my weight onto these thin planks of wood. My head peared up into the attic, or as i know it Nathans ManCave, since this is where most of his things go after an adventure. Its a cluttered but organised mess, if i asked him where something was then he would be able to find it amoung the mountian of paperwork he should have gotten done yet he procastinated. Those boxes were piled high teetering on one another, scrap material covered them in hopes to prevent dust and decay on the fragile cardboard and contents of those boxes. Metal shelving was covered in more office style boxes nearer his computer up here, paperwork was scattered around it like confetti 

nathan had his back to me, elena keeping it that way with conversation with a level of art of distration that i could never behold. as i clambered up the steps enough so my chest was above the enterence to the man cave i placed my trusted weapon onto the wooden planks with the sound echoing through, i screwed my eyes tight my breath hitching in my throat as i thought my cover was blown. opening my eyes slightly, my cover was still intact Nate still had his back to me and Elena was still providing my cover. the room was larger than it would appear to be, if it wasnt for the piled cardboard boxes in the corners and along the walls then it would be significantly larger than it was. But Nathan being Nathan he like to keep all his paperwork, memrobelia and trinkits which is understandable however theres like paperwork from the 1980s in those boxes. I snickered slightly, making my wat to the metal cabinate crouched using the piles of boxes to my advantage. 

My pulse fluctuated as elana brought nate into a hug and winked as she let him go. nodding a tight lipped smile pulled at the corners of my mouth as i stood out from cover. pointing the pistol at the back of nates head. Dampening my lips, i press them together whisltling catching his attention. Oh that pretty boy face, eyes widened brows furrowed as his face dropped trying to figure out where and what is going on. Pressing my index on the flimsy plastic a small orange ball sped out the barrel. i expected kickback and braced, hoswever there was nothing, i watched as the ball smacked against nates nose casuing his eyes to water. Elena Fumbled for hers firing rounds into his stomach and chest. His pained cries masked by laugher as he tried to find another pistol to retaliate with. 

"Oh you've asked for this" exitement dripped from his words with his eyes glinting under the dimmed lighting and an all out war broke out, orange balls flying across the room as me and elena tag teamed Nate. we cower for cover as he rapid fires clips at us, wizzing over mine and elenas heads. we maintained out ground, elena had made her way over to me and my cover of a wall of boxes by the enterence. My back lightly pressed against the back of the bocked holding my gun upright and close to my chest. It rose and fell rapidly as thunks shifted the boxed almost knocking over my cover. Elena slid next to me her blond hair now messied and falling infront of her speckled forehead. we shared a look of acomplishment, raising my hand as a loud clack was heard from out perfect highfive. 

"I cant believe that...that actually worked....." Elena spoke between exited breaths. "I know right, the dynamnic duo" I laughed holding elenas shoulder. Not noticing that its been quiet for a while now me and elenas eyes flashed with worry. But it was too late. I looked up to see nathan drake stood there, blue pistol pointing at both me and elena. The light glew behing him, higlighting his stature and figure, i could see small traces of blood dry around his nose where i had hit his square on the shnoz. 

"Oh i wouldnt speak to soon..." Nathan cooed, his voice deepened and sarcastic. Elena raised her hands gun lay on the floor as she sat there. I copied her yet as i placed my gun down slowly i let go but went to re grab it. "Uh nuh uh uh, None of your funny business (Y/n)" I sighed as Nate held the gun closer to my head, dropping the gun I faced Nate and his smirk. He gave a triumphant laugh as he lowered his pistol. 

Just as he opened his mouth he gasped and lowered his gun further. Elena had her gun pointed at his crotch, judging by the hiss she had made the forbidden shot. Elena burst out laughing as Nate creatively cussed me and Elena out. "I guess we're the Victor's then." Elena smugly put, twirling her plastic gun on her right index pretending to blow the smoke away from the barrel. We both stood up and went over to Nate as he took a deep breath in covering himself.

"you okay there Nate?" my voice strained to be kind, attempting to hold back the laughter. "yeah, just hunky dory...." Nate spoke breathy as he corrected his posture. I placed my hand on his shoulder as he did so. "are you sure, you look like you've been bruised." his eyes raised to mine, narrowed slightly. "where?" he inquired his voice still a little breathy. "your ego" Elena cut in nonchalantly. "Ouch..." i muttered as i snickered at the facial expression nate pulled. 

"Not only am i being physically assaulted, i have you two bruising what you say to be my ego, pfft ego...." Nathan shook his head at us as he started to head towards the entrance to his little man cave. Me and Elena quickly followed suit as Mr. Drake had to go off to his job later on in the afternoon. 

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