Act 2 - Motherbird

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"Those damned dragons!"

"We are losing too many men!"

"Get the wounded outta here, we'll hold them off."

While the Empress's army is hammering down the defenders of Autrius, a certain giant of the skies is here to solve wars by starting wars.

Everyone, even the dragons stopped fighting after feeling an extremely eerie presence. Later they see a huge object in the sky that locals here could have considered the Motherbird. Both sides felt terrified of the object until the monster dropped small winged crafts from its wings, and started assaulting the dragons.

Desperate by the new threat, they scattered and attempted to fight back. The drones were too fast for them, and each one of the dragons fell from the sky.

Boots on the ground are still stunned by the Arsenal Bird until it shot 8AGMs and a laser at the Empress's footmen. They stood no chance as a series of explosions came about, UAVs strafing, and a laser melting through the ranks.

The bloodied screams of the attackers had the defenders back to reality. "The Lord has answered our calls! Raise your weapons and fight back the invaders!" With their morale restored, they charged ahead ready to maul the absurdly horrified attackers.

Another group of dragons appeared out the horizon to stop the Arsenal Bird. It fired 8AAMs at the arriving dragons, some dodged in time while some were unlucky. The surviving dragons launched fire projectiles at the Arbiter but were deemed ineffective as the fire didn't even make a mark on the armor. It replied with a barrage of pulse lasers and more 8AAMs, basically they're done from the start.

The so-called invincible army of the Empress is now getting curb stomped by the Arsenal Bird without any mercy. Second, by second, so many men were lost in one go. With no hope for the attackers, they retreated to the forest and the Autrians celebrated their victory, and their savior.

The Arsenal Bird is not yet done, it launched all remaining drones loaded with bombs and tracked down the retreating forces. Once they have been found, they drop the bombs and killed nearly all of them. As if it's not enough, it fired a burst of Helios missiles at the already crippled forces. All the missiles focused on one area and impacted the ground. A bright light flashed followed by a huge shockwave that rumbled the forest.

Transfer View To...

As the light dissipated, there was just a crater with trees knocked down around it. Corpses and survivors alike no longer existed, as the sounds of jets make their way to the Arsenal Bird. As they reattach themselves to the wing, looking back to where I arrived and see the refugees return to the city. A screen popped outta nowhere and displayed what looked like a summary report.


Reward: 4x Ace Shard

Ace Shard
Pieces of the Ace Crystal; used to summon an Ace from different eras to fight for you.
Required to convert: 10

Bruh I fuckin S ranked that shit. Lit. But the Ace Shards... convert them and you get an Ace Crystal. It seemed extremely important but I felt weird about it like I needed to do something to get an Ace. Today is not the day to worry about it, for now, I need to know where those attackers came from. I sent scout drones to survey the entire region. Looking back at the city, I decided to revolve around the city for now. While I'm at it, I took control of a random MQ-101 and scouted farther territories myself.

Transfer View To...

As the people celebrated the victory, they were more celebrating the arrival of their savior. Large white wings, rotating blades, and small winged creatures dropped from the wing. The mighty Motherbird, sent by the gods to wipe off the stains of the Empress. While my people called it the Motherbird, its official title is the Warden of the Skies, coined by the leaders of the past. As it strives forward, we shall follow its lead.

Hold Up, I'm An Arsenal Bird Now?!Where stories live. Discover now