Act 23: Return

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'Mate, how long do we have to do this?'


'I'm going to hate this trip.'

Even more Marine hentai, and now he's expanding his collection. Magnificent. Hell, he's even given me hentai videos from Najar. I think that's what he said.

We are returning to Autrius from Farbanti, or what's left of it. The entire city was nuked out of existence by that meteor strike. There is nothing worthy to note about the crater except its large size. I got ambushed by Strigon Squadron and won with damage. Now, my newly-acquired SU-33 Flanker-Ds flew at the front in formation. I must say, the paint job does look badass. Hell, I can even apply it to the CFA-44s, which I did. Now they look even more badass. Though one thing I noticed about my Strigon Squadron is that they have a different AI compared to my other squadrons. While I can command them, I can't directly control one of them.

I also fired a Poseidon torpedo on Alicorn out of spite. When it stuck its hull, a large explosion occurred comparable to a Helios shockwave. The damage is quite hefty, affecting the left rudder, engine, and storage decks. I had to put Alicorn out of commission for repairs. Thankfully, he didn't mind the situation.

'How're the repairs going?'


'I want to know where you're getting all these images from. Where, my guy?'




There is no way.

'I will fucking sink you again.'


I decided to shut the comms off and tour the system. After searching, I found Google hidden between the radar and navigation log.

No way.

I opened Google, and there was the logo and search bar. I scrolled down and saw some surprising news. We got another war in my world involving Russia and Ukraine. Neato. Riots are happening in France. Okay. Oh. Damn. Fuckers vandalized the Holocaust memorial. Sure, that's news.

Then out of pure curiosity, I decided to check on Shellshock Live. The website loaded, and I saw a familiar screen. I was happy with the revelation. I then logged in to my account and played some matches to satisfy my peaking enjoyment.

After five games, I closed Google and turned the comms back on. I am greeted by Marine screaming over whatever the fuck is going on.


I'll turn it off for a little while.

3 hours later


Selina finally finished her duties around the cathedral. She stepped outside, took a deep breath, and walked down the main street. She looked around, seeing the people go about their daily lives. A few blocks down, there was a statue, still in construction, depicting the Motherbird in all its glory. Selina smiled, thinking of the deeds this powerful creature had accomplished for this land. Moments after, her expression flattened. She then walked further on the main street.

She looked to the sky and saw multiple flying objects revolving around the city. Those were planes. Ever since the MLP arrived at Autrius, they seem to just cut through the sky, doing nothing for the moment.

Further down the main street, she reached the city gate guarded by the Motherbird's troops, chosen by the Queen of this city. The guards straightened themselves and placed their right fists on their chests as Selina passed through the gate. Outside lies the platform, sitting still with rows of tanks and AA guns. Troops surround the MLP and vehicles with curiosity, observing the designs. They didn't dare to touch it, though.

A few minutes later, the nun spots something in the corner of her eye. A gigantic flying object is closing on Autrius from the horizon. It's the Motherbird. Selina was ecstatic that it finally came back. She also felt that her connection with it is bounded again.

"Motherbird, you're–"

'No, you dumb fuck!'

Selina was surprised by the outburst.


'Wait, you hear this, Selina?'

She is confused. What is the Motherbird talking about?

'No, you dumbass, it's a nun. No, it's not Marine. Fuck you.'

Selina doesn't know what's going on over there as the Motherbird keeps rambling at someone or something, so she seeks her answer from it. It revealed itself.

'Hold. Why give me the speaker? Ah, okay.'

Silence overtook the conversation from the sky before a new voice, though the same kind as before, bellowed in her direction.




It just keeps getting worse.

The last time I checked r/interestingasfuck, I got bombarded by porn. I only wanted to know shit, not to be horny.

By the way, I didn't think this story would get 50K reads. That's something.

Also, Happy Independence Day, you scrawny bastards.

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