Chapter 2

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    It had been three days exactly that Hope had been avoiding Josie, and it was making the twin anxious.

Now that the secret of her being a wolf was out, she had to rearrange her classes to include the mandatory wolf classes.

She thought that would mean that she would get to spend more time with Hope, but the auburnette was giving her the hot and cold treatment.

For example, in her first class she shared with the other girl...Hope went out of her way to sit at a different table than their normal shared one. Everytime the siphoner would feel eyes on her, she would look towards the tribrid only for her to look away immediately. Anytime she would catch her in the act, Hope would blush.

At lunchtime as soon as everyone from the supersquad was seated, Hope mumbled some excuse about needing to go talk to a teacher about a makeup quiz.

Josie knew that was a lie, because Hope was at the top of her classes and never got below a B+ on any type of test.

"Lizzie, do you think Hope has been acting strange since she's been back? I feel like she's hiding something from me," said the brunette as she took a bite of her salad.

"For the love of god, tell me you're not in your obsessive Hope stage again. You know how that went last time. Besides, maybe she is just feeling home sick. It can't be easy for her to go back there without dealing with her trauma again." Replied the blonde.

"I think something is wrong, I've been trying to talk to her all day...i'll try again later. We still have gym class together."

The next time the twin saw her mate again was in the locker room before gym class. She felt a pair of eyes on her as soon as she took her shirt off.

When she turned around she was met with her best friend blatantly checking her out? The tribrid's eyes were gold, and she had a line of blood falling from her bottom lip from where she had been biting on it just moments ago.

The look on Hope's face turned the siphoner witch on, Hope had never looked at her that way before, it was as if she was the prey to an extremely powerful apex predator. She blushed when she realized that the whole locker room could probably smell her arousal, including Hope.

When dark dilated blue eyes met brown, panic was all the twin could see in her soulmate's face.

By the time Josie tried to get a word out of her mouth, the tribrid had used her vampire speed and wasn't seen the rest of the period.

By the time her last class finished, the brunette had exhausted all of her options of seeing the tribrid for the rest of the night.

She was still dealing with her rut, and the full moon was in two more days. Usually by the time the full moon hits, every wolf in the school starts to get more aggressive and on edge. It doesn't help that she was one of the only two Omegas in the entire school. Her timing was impeccable.

She was annoyed by the fact that the other wolves were still trying to claim her like some trophy, she just needed to release her frustrations in peace and get through this for just a few more days.

So she did what she had been doing the past three days, grabbed the crystal, and made her way to the Old Mill.

Ever since Hope was back, she had to resort back to the only other place she could get an inkling of privacy.

Once she arrived, she could faintly hear something nearby.The witch siphoned herself before whispering  "Invisique," then she quietly went to see who or what was inside.

The closer she got to the stairs, the louder the noise got. It sounded like someone grunting. Not many people come here unless there's a party, but those have been pretty rare lately.

"J-Josie...fu-fuck...," moaned a familiar voice.

She knew who it sounded like, and the thought sent shivers throughout her whole body. She needed to be sure though for her own sanity, so the brunette peaked her head just above the top step and her suspicions were confirmed.

There was the girl that had been avoiding her these past three days, member in hand, trying to find a sweet release.

Josie stood in awe of the other girl, she wasn't aware that Hope was packing, let alone such a big size too.

This was enough of a visual to let out her frustrations right then and there. The smell of Hope's arousal filled the air and her wolf couldn't get enough of it.

The auburnette was on the edge of her climax, it took four more thrusts of her hand before she heard her own name come out of the tribrid's mouth with the most enticing and guttural moan ever.

She possessively let out a low growl at the sensation of her mate letting go at the thought of her.

"F—fuck, wh-who's there?" Asked the tribrid breathlessly as she put her member away.

Josie didn't dare to move, make a sound, let alone breathe.

"I know you're in here, I can hear your heartbeat. It's racing as if it's going to explode out of your chest. Reveal yourself."

The twin didn't know what to do, she was caught. She could either flee, or show herself...she didn't like either options.

"Please, I just want to know that whatever you think you saw...doesn't leave this place..please show yourself..I won't ask again." The tribrid sounded worried and Josie couldn't bear the thought of herself being the cause of Hope's anxiety over her secret.

So she took a deep breath and made herself visible to the tribrid.

Hope's eyes immediately found hers, and she looked terrified. A deep blush covered the other girl's skin.

Eyes wide, and hearts racing...both girls knew the line had been crossed. There was no coming back from this, all they had to do now was be honest and admit their feelings for each other. Whether or not they would, was the question...

This next conversation was either going to make or break Josie's heart, and she wasn't ready for things to change.

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