Chapter 65/65

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Hope had just gotten out of the shower and was brushing her teeth when she walked into her bedroom to one of the most adorable moments she had ever witnessed.

Josie was just finishing getting Reya dressed for dinner.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey, you never know dear, how much I love you, so please don't take my sunshine away." She sang while tickling their child.

The room was suddenly bursting with their daughter's laughter and the tribrid couldn't look away.

"You know, everyone is going to be here soon... we need to hurry and your mom still needs your help in the kitchen. Why don't I take Reya to Lizzie and get Joey ready?" She said while kissing her wife briefly on the lips.

"Alright, I'll see you down there, babe."

It was the first year they were hosting Thanksgiving dinner for both families and she knew Josie wanted it to be perfect.

If you would have asked her five years ago that this is where she would be, the tribrid wouldn't have believed it.

The couple had been through so much pain and heartbreak over these last five years, let alone the last six months but she knew that their bond was stronger than any other and could get through anything.

After the house fire at the Salvatore's, it brought the ENTIRE family closer together.

It took nearly losing their children for Josie to overcome everything and Hope was proud of her progress.

They had even gone to therapy together a couple of times in the beginning to help open up healthier ways of communication in their relationship and now they were stronger than ever.

Hope quickly rinsed her mouth before continuing downstairs to the others.

"Hope, come get my nephew..he just shit everywhere and then crawled in it. He needs a bath."

The tribrid could never get used to the whole parenting thing especially when stuff like this happened on a regular basis.

"Wait, did you just say he crawled?!"

This was monumental, considering this was the first time either of the twins did so.

"Yes, now switch with me. He is getting poop everywhere."

Secretly the auburnette was enjoying her sister-in-law's suffering, but took over anyways.

"Alright, come now." She said while kissing his cheek.

Once she finished getting him cleaned up and dressed she made it back downstairs where there were new arrivals in the living room.

Davina and Kol were on the chase by the fireplace, while Maddie and Sophia took the couch opposite of them.

Carter, Jade, Lexi, Damon, Elena, and Stefanie were playing a card game in the center of the living room.

Lizzie and MG were playing with Reya, and her Grandma Mary was making her way over to her.

"Come, now..let me see my great grandson. Go see if your wife needs help in the kitchen."

Hope was extremely overwhelmed by seeing everyone coexisting and having fun, it made her wish her parents, Josette and Olivia could be here to enjoy it as well.

The tribrid followed her nose to the kitchen and watched as her wife was putting finishing touches on one of the dishes.

She looked around for her mother in law but she wasn't in sight.

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