𝒍𝒙𝒙𝒙𝒗. pandemonium

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      FOR THE FIRST TIME IN A WHILE, THE TEAM HAD FINALLY GOTTEN A DAY OFF. They'd even planned ahead for their plans and were all going through with them. Casey had plans of her own as she sat at the local coffee shop by herself. She had been waiting on an old friend of hers so they could catch up.

Casey looked around, keeping aware of her surroundings at all time. She looked down at her coffee cup and was immediately reminded of Sawyer. She had been doing better since his death - but it hurt because she was reminded of how he wasn't here. She had wanted a life with him. And for that to be taken away so quickly made her sad. She smiled at the memory of meeting him for the first time, though.

The girl had immediately gotten out of her trance once she saw her friend approaching her with a huge smile on her face. Casey stood up and her friend exclaimed: "Casey!" She rushed over to her and gave her a big hug to which Casey accepted. "April!"

It had been a while since Casey had seen her good friend, April. She had met April in her freshman year, class valedictorian, student council leader and goody-two shoes. But Casey liked her, they were pretty good Facebook friends.

The two sat down. "How long has it been?" April asked, setting her bag down. "Too long!" Casey smiled.
"I'm so glad we finally get to see each other," April said. "How have you been?" She asked.

"I've been pretty good," Casey told. "You know, coping... but... I'm good." April knew of what happened with Sawyer. (Months ago, they were supposed to go on a double date but it never happened). "You?" Casey asked.

April nodded, "Really good." She rested her hand on top of Casey's and squeezed it before removing her hand. "It's so good to see you." Casey shook her head. "I'm sorry I kept having to reschedule. You know how tough my job is."

April nodded once more, "I understand all too well," She said. "But speaking of which... I'm taking on a new expertise." Casey raised her eyebrows. "Which is?" She asked. "Catering." April stated.

"Really?" Casey asked. April smiled, "Yeah, I've worked it all out. Catering has been my passion. I like bossing people around and I like working for the government, believe me, but you know, I can only take so much adrenaline."

"So, catering?" Casey leaned back in her seat and crossed her arms. "Yes, catering." April nods. "Also, I may as well be catering my own wedding."

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