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A/N Hai guys it's the author and well this is a beeduo high school au. I do not ship them irl but I do their characters. They will be humans but still their characters. If anyone feels uncomfy with anything I will take down this book without hesitation. I'm definitely not the best at grammar and this is also my first book. I will update hopefully on Monday, Tuesday, Friday, and maybe some weekends if I have the time. I will probably be doing most of this during my study hall so if I'm loaded I might not be able to update my sincerest apologies if anyone has any recommendations you can DM me on discord with whatsername#9185 on discord! I only ask bc I rarely get notifications for Wattpad. You can call me Bean or just Whatsername and I am in fact a minor so please nothing too creepy. <3  No smut cos I feel uncomfy writing that myself, mild kissing, maybe making out I don't really know. Anyways have a great day and don't forget to hydrate cos HYDRATE OR DIEDRATE y'all!!

Also, there might be songs at the top of each chapter they are some of my favorites definitely check that out and here's my Spotify if you wanna check out my playlists whatsernameagain2002

Word count:   232      Thank you guys so much for reading this I'm so sorry if it's bad!!

Heartstopper BEEDUO mix Highschool AuWhere stories live. Discover now