"can we just keep it a secret?" (1)

462 17 67

|[Ranboo POV]|

|Tw| none I think

I pulled away from Jared's kiss and like usual Jared asked if we could keep this a secret and like usual I said "yes" with a sad smile. Just then I hear a *ding* from my phone going off. The message ID was Tommy (aintit) I opened my phone and it said


hey bigman, how's it going?
good :) -ish
*Tommy's texting*
you okay king?

yea I'm just a bit tired
y'know long night.
I promise I'm okayyyy.

When I looked up I realize Jared was not there it was probably because he wanted to get to class early or he wanted to get as far away from me so he wouldn't get caught with the "gay boy" in school who everyone makes fun of. I felt tears stinging my eyes so I turned off my phone and wiped my eyes and walk out of the corridors and into the open space to eat lunch. I sat down across from Wilbur. Then all of a sudden Tommy comes stomping over and slams two apple juices down on the table. I jump a little cause of the sudden loud noise. " Bloody Hell I've done it again!" Tommy said, "done what?" I ask a little spooked "I bought Beau's drink again" dragging out the 'n' Wilbur chimes in with "I think we all miss her" looking up from his book. "I hate ever since L'manburg school split into an all-boys school and an all-girls school it's never been the same" Tommy whined (btw none of the teacher's names or other people associated with the dsmp is real it's just pure coincidence) "yeah I can't believe Mr Johnson was so rude to her like she obviously hated her name why couldn't he just call her Beau I mean it's not that hard," he said angrily "yeah," I said

A/N Hey guys I'm sorry I'm going to write longer chaps but I just get this one out right now


buh byeeee~ Word count: 336

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