He's back 8

156 10 3


 After I had my week of injuries and absentees and Ranboo had his share of excused absences I walked into school. Some kids cheers for me as I walked into the hallway and others high-fived me. I thought that was weird but got over it quickly. As I'm about to walk into form I see Ranboo Ana talking to him while doing homework I missed. I hear him go "Are you doing your homework on your way to class ?"  "Uh yeah, maybe I am maybe I'm not," I say back "Let me help you" he offers as he tugs on my arm making me accidentally draw on him with a pen which he responds with "how dare you" in a fake offended voice. I say get over here, take his hand, and draw a smile out of the curved line I had drawn on his hand earlier. "better?" I ask "Better!" he responds and we make it to our seats right before the bell rings and maths starts. Usually, I  would do the work and answer all the questions because it was relatively easy for me but did not draw any attention to myself. But, today was different with my Boo by my side I could barely breathe. I know I probably looked like a tomato. I just couldn't stop thinking about him, luckily  we sat in the back so I could squeeze his hand every few seconds and he would squeeze back and he would smile and I would melt

|[After Classes cos ew]|

"Hey, Ran wanna come over to my house since it's a Friday maybe stop by your house to get your stuff? Since it's on the way back to mine." "Yeah sure lemme ask my mom" *a few seconds later* "Yes OKAY she said Yes!!" he yelled, "YES are you ready for the time of your life?" I ask "Uh of course" Alright let's go. Then we ran to ran to Ranboo's house. Then we walked up to the porch and I shimmed out of the doorway so he could open the door. We both walked expressing our greetings. "Hello Ma'am this house is beautiful" Then I looked over expecting to see his father I saw another women walk over to the woman I had just spoken to  put her hand through the hole made by her hand connecting to her hip kissed her and then spoke to Ranboo and said "hello Boo how was your day at school," She said, "It was good Mom, what about you?" "It was great. Let's introduce ourselves, okay sweetie?' Said the first woman. "okay" I replied and walked to the couch with Boo's hand in mine. We sat down with Ranboo next to me and his parents across from us. Then the first woman I spoke to started to talk. "Hello darling My name is Claire and I use the Pronoun She/They I don't mind if you slip up but try to alternate between the two please." They say to me. "Okay" I smile "Okay, Okay My turn," says the other excitedly "My name is Star I go by She/Her I'm Bisexual, if you don't what that is I won't judge you it means I like more than 1 gender I prefer women or nonbinary people." Star says "Oh well, if we're saying our sexualities, I'm omnisexual means I like everyone no matter who or what they are!" Says Claire "Hey honey do you mind explaining who you are so we can get to know you better, Ovbiously we won't judge?" Claire asks "Hm me? Sorry, I was so interested in you guys but sure, I'm Toby but I like it when people call me Tubbo especially people I like. I like bees, I like my boo too." Then I got cute off by Ranboo blushing and his parents going"AWWWWWWWWWWWWH you guys are so cute!! Please tell me y'all will date??" Then say at the same time and then start laughing cause they said it at the same time" "Uhm Yeah I would like that." I whisper and no one seems to hear me except for Claire I realize she's a good listener while Star is a good storyteller. "Well back to the show and tell," says Claire "Well, I go by He/Him but I never really thought about it so yeah also I think I may be Bi I don't know though" "How cute," Says Star "Okay Boo say something about you" Star says "That tubbo- is it okay If I call you tubbo?" "Uh Yeah of course you guys seem lovely so I wouldn't mind" "Okay thank you" she goes I hum in response "Okay back to what I was saying, Something Tubbo doesn't know" "Oh okay Mom, but you know I don't like talking about myself." "I know sweetie" "Well you may not know I like Bo Burnham and Lemon Demon and I usually listen to them but I have been hooked on Freaks by Surf Curse lately." Says Ranboo  "Oh Okay I like Bo too maybe we can listen to him later!" I say "SPEAKING OF WHICH GO PACK" Then he ran upstairs to pack. "You are a lovely boy Tubbo," says Claire "Mhm, and if you ever need anything you come to us no matter what we'll be here." says Star "Okay thanks guys," I say. ranboo then came downstairs quite fast yelling to his sister Niki "Bye Niki I love you and see you soon" "He loves his sister so much" Claire says. Then Ranboo grabs my hand knocking me off balance a little. "Oh, you little shit your lucky I love you!" Then we left. And then got prepared to have the best time of our lives

A/N THIS WAS SUPER DUPER CUTE. ANYWAYS I think I'm going to do A bit of like a singing/talent show next chap or something probably gonna be multiple new people and every page will probably be a new POV so they may be short and what not but I'm gonna try to make them 300-500 may be more or less depends.

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|[Word Count]| 1034

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2023 ⏰

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