'I don't wanna meet up anymore' 3

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A/n Its in fact 3 45 in the morning rn as I wrote this so if it's shit I'm sorry :/ also NIKI IS RANBOOOOO SISTERRRRR #NIKISISTERARK

|[Ranboo POV]|

Niki woke me up 10 minutes late since my phone alarm didn't go off this morning and we got on the bus on the way to l'manburgs all-girl school and I saw Jared with a girl I think my sister said her name was Sally they were just talking but also holding hands, maybe they were brother and sister and that's why they were holding hands and then he kissed her and my heart shattered I ran so fast to first-period form. And I saw Tubbo. Thank god for the only person in the world I want to see right now. I ran up to him keeping a respectful distance and he saw the tears in my eyes he asked me if I wanted to talk about it and I nodded and sprinted to the bathroom. He met me in the bathroom panting because I can run a lot faster than him. Then he asked what was wrong. I said it was a long story and he kept nagging until I explained. "Well, it all started last year" I started "I was in the band room playing the drums and he came up to me and said I was pretty brave for coming out and I was good at the drums," he said " I thanked him and next thing I knew was he kissed me" " I was caught off guard but I let him be since this was my first kiss and I didn't what else to do" I explained "then he would text me asking to hang out kiss me and say sorry for acting like I wasn't real and how he loved me" "and whenever I would ask if we could hang out after school he would say we already hang out enough at school." I said sadly "Sometimes I would say we were boyfriends and he would deny it saying how we weren't" Then Tubbo told me how 'I should never speak to that bitch again ' he said with venom. Even I got a little scared. I said I would never speak to him again. He answered and if he did "I would kick his ass' he said proudly. Then the bell rang so we had to go. "Our teacher is going to be soooooo mad I say" Yeah and he giggled Omg why did I heat up over a giggle that was so cute. "yep yes he will" he answered And then we scurried to our following classes

*later that day, time for football practice*

I walked into the corridor to go to the locker room and I heard them talking about me saying things like "he's so damn tall he should be playing basketball" or "he's so skinny he'll never make it" and "he needs muscles" "isn't he gay?" "right like gay people can't play sports" I took a deep breath before walking into the room then turned to the knob of the door and walked in and immediately saw Tubbo I said 'hi' and he replied with a simple 'hi' back. I started to get changed and then Troy started messing with Tubbo saying that she was going to be at his party. I started to get uncomfortable thinking that of course he's straight how could I ever have thought that he wasn't? Ugh, I'm so mad at myself how could I be so dumb!! Then they were all making jokes about how Tubbo kissed her when he was 13 "It was only once!!" he said "And we were 13 it didn't matter" he said to make sure they knew. I looked over at Tubbo and he whispered it's okay you'll do great!! Oh, how I wish Tubbo were to kiss me. I slapped myself as we were walking onto the field. Shiii- I mean shoot that hurt. But that's what you get for thinking that Ranboo! I thought to myself! Then we had practice

*after practice*

Jared texted me and asked me to meet him after football. And I agreed and went I said Bye to Tubbo uncomfortably and I knew he could tell but I ran off before he could ask me why. Jared met me behind the locker room. "I know you lied," he said "Huh," I said quietly "I know you still love me your just afraid of getting caught" he slowly raised his voice. I started to get angry "ME! YOU THINK I'M AFRAID OF GETTING CAUGHT I CAME OUT AS GAY LAST YEAR EVERYONE KNOWS THAT!" I screamed " YOU" I pointed at him " YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE WHO IS AFRAID YOUR SO AFRAID YOU EVEN HAVE A GIRLFRIEND THAT YOU DIDNT THIN ABOUT TELLING ME ABOUT" "YOU LIED TO ME IF YOU WERE CONFUSED YOU COULDVE TOLD ME I WOULD HAVE UNDERSTOOD THE MOST" I cried Jared ran towards me and pinned me to the wall and kissed me. "stop Jared I don't like you" "stop" "Jared stop" I cried over and over again until his body got pulled off of mine. I looked up to see Tubbo yell "he said stop couldn't you hear that or are so so dumb that you couldn't comprehend that" Tubbo pushed Jared. Then Jared ran away. I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream, I wanted Tubbo to hug me but I couldn't ask because he would probably get uncomfortable. Tubbo walked over to me and I almost started crying again but I didn't I stayed strong then I asked: "How much of that did you hear" I whispered "Mostly all of it" he said soothingly calming me down a bit "Oh" I responded with guilty think he thinks of me as aggressive now. "are you okay?" he asks "no" I respond then he puts out his arms and I crumple into him leaving his shoulder wet with tears. "i-i'm so sorry for ruining your shirt I can buy you a new one" I said brokenly he said, "you don't need to I'm okay" he said quietly "are you okay boo" he asks sweetly ", no I don't think so" I said sheepishly " okay well let's get you out of here wanna hang out at my house maybe that might make you feel better" he asked "sure" I say sniffling and wiping my nose. Then we walked to his house.

a/n hey yall I'm sooooo sorry about not posting but finals are soon and I have an ap final I'm scared bc these affect your grade so ye I might cry but here it is the long-awaited chapter and I'm going to try to start the next one tonight I won't be able to finish it but I can start it for yall. I do know in Heartstopper they don't go to his house yet but idc they will do what I want sooooo yeah guysssss buh bye also you can give me an idea if you wish. I need recommendations for who should be Tara and Darcy cant uses amsiey or Niki I'm kinda upset abt cos I could've used aimsey and quggie I think her name is you can correct me if you'd like again my bad guys. Anyways bye luv and have a great day/night and remember to be safe <33333

Also, IM GOING TO A CONCERT ON FRIDAY IN MADISON SQ GARDEN IN NEW YORK FOR LIMP BIZKIT they are a 90s 00s heavy metal/rock you can check them out if you'd like

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