What is Love? baby don't hurt me 5

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A/N Y'all I'm so cool I wrote the rough draft in a hammock I built by myself. And yes I do write rough drafts but that's also because I may be grounded not. Whoopsies. Oh well. Thank you all for the views and I'm hoping this chapter is long awaited!! It makes me so happy seeing all the views and I love seeing the demographics! Anyways HYDRATE OR DIEDRATE

|[Ranboo's POV]|

After running for what seemed like a 5K (3.1 miles for non-runners or 4.98897 kilometres)(yall imma cry I don't have my rough draft so all my hard work has gone to waste FUCK) "Aw what the actual hell" I whispered. Then I saw Tubbos cute face perk up and I already knew what he was gonna say. "Did I just hear my Boo curse?" he asks in a fake offended voice. "um..erm ... you weren't supposed to hear that and yea I guess." I say "Tubbo I'm not 7 I know curse words I just don't like saying them often." I explain "Also then again I didn't curse." I say matter-of-factly "Well it's the most I've ever heard so I'm counting it for now!" Tubbo says somewhat happily just because I cursed. "Okay, sure," I say thinking about how cute he was while he was defensive. (L bozo) But also I don't like thinking about arguments with my bee boy even if it's small.

Time skip bitches

|[3rd Person POV]|

After hours of sitting there peacefully in each other's presence looking at the stars, Tubbo grabs Ranboos hand and squeezes it and they both slowly sit up and look into each other's eyes. They sat there for a while admiring each other. Tubbo slowly moves a few loose strands of Ranboos dirty blonde fluffy hair. Probably one of Tubbo's favourite things about him. Out of his face. Ranboo flinched not knowing why because he knew his Bee wouldn't hurt him. To show Tubbo he wasn't afraid he cupped Tubbos face and they leaned in, both boys inseparable touching his noses Tubbo breaks the silence by asking "Can I kiss you?" Tubbo whispers "Mhm" replies Ranboo Their lips touch. Ranboo was somewhat surprised by the kiss because it wasn't as rough as it used to be with Jared instead it was soft and loving. They broke away and placed their heads together. Ranboo in a swift sweet move somehow gaining years of confidence (I could never) gave Tubbo a sweet peck right on the lips, which Tubbo smiled into. While still in the arms of Ranboo and a gust of wind hit them causing Tubbo to shiver. Ranboo twisted himself out of the hug and Tubbo automatically felt even colder. Ranboo had taken off his sweater and given it to the other boy. After Tubbo put on the tallers' sweater Tubbo responds with "Boo you smell good." "I wish I was always around you" "You calm me down". Ranboo easily flustered turned bright red and covered his face with his hands. Tubbo felt happy because he knew he was the only one who could do that and it made him feel special, like someone loved him. They sat there until Tubbo picked up his phone and checked the time swearing it was only 10 pm and his curfew is at midnight. He swiped up on his phone and saw it said 3.43 am. He screamed not realizing  Ranboo was sleeping on his shoulder as he saw Ranboo stir he was shaking him telling him to get up because they had to go it was 3.50 now. Ranboo perked up and was standing in two seconds they grabbed hands and ran to Tubbos house, basically falling asleep when they both hit tubbos pillow (and yes ofc they are sharing a bed what beeduo story would this be if not)

A/N Y'all I'm so sorry for the wait I'm not even gonna make an excuse I know this is shorter than usual but I've just been forgotten at home for dinner so now I'm gonna make myself dinner. sorry AGAIN for the long ass wait anyways BYEEEEE I know this is short I'm sorry. :((

|[Word Count]| 689

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