too close? chapter 4

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a/n Hey yall so I changed aimsey to Beau so I could use aimsey somewhere else



when anyone thinks the font will be this

|[Tubbos POV]| I woke up with me and ranboo intertwined with each other hugging each other so hard my ribs were sore. Ranboo looked so calm and peaceful with dried tears plastered on his face. I wish he could always look like this. He looks so calm and happy. I don't want this to end. Ranboo started to stir and rub his eye after he unwrapped his long arms from his grip on my ribs. He looked at me in confusion then what looked like sadness then looked uncomfortable. Does he not like me does he think I'm weird? Oh, he doesn't wanna be near me, doesn't he? He gonna tell me to get away from him. " Um... Good morning Tubbee" he said sweetly. oh he doesn't hate me. "morning," I say back "Y'know not gonna lie but your voice is really hot when you wake up" Shit. "hey I'm so sorry I don't know why I said that kinda came outta nowhere. I'm sorry you probably think I'm weird or whatnot I'm so sorry" I say while burrowing my head in my knees not wanting to look up afraid my boo will hate me. "It's okay bee boy." "I don't hate you." "it's okay I took it as a compliment," he said while rubbing circles on my back "o-okay," I say sniffily.


"I WANT ICE CREAM" I yelled jumping on the bed "PLEASE BOO CAN WE PLEASE GET ICE CREAM" I yell again "h-huh wait what? b-boo" Ranboo said mumbling "UH YEAH BOO LETS GOOOOOOOO GET ICE CREAM" *THUMP* I fell off the fucking bed in front of the person I think I have a crush on. I hit the ground so hard that I started giggling to myself. But I snapped out of giggling for an hour and a half after I look up and see Ranboo crying and realize I'm not at home. I panicked (yall I wrote panik like that one meme) "WHERE THE FUCK AM I RANBOO" I yelled confused as fuckkk. I saw Ranboo flinch and then I felt bad so I apologised. "y-your at the hospital tubbo," he said, "why?"I ask "Tubbo you broke your elbow the bone almost pierced your skin" "You were giggling and I was scared, i-i didn't know what to do" "You passed out and woke up and started giggling again" "When the nurses came in with the needles you passed out" "You kept passing out then waking up giggling," He said holding back tears. "oh I'm so sorry boo I didn't mean to worry you like that," I said feeling guilty. "it's okay I'm just glad your okay" "but the nurse said you'll have to stay overnight just to make sure they set you to arm correctly," Ranboo said "And ill stay with you the whole time I promise," he says sticking out his pinkie "promise?" I hook my pinkie with him and he nods. Then we play some Lovejoy and Wilbur songs jamming to 'Sex Sells' and ' Internet Ruined Me' and whisper yelling the songs since heh we were still in the hospital. Around 9 pm the nurse came in and said anyone who isn't related or a partner to the patient must go home. Ranboo wasn't my boyfriend and wasn't related to me (the 2-foot height difference lol) But instead of leaving it went more like this.

nurse: "I'm so sorry sir I know this is hard and I feel bad that I have to make you leave. I wish I could let everyone stay but they won't let me. unless you are dating or related"

Ranboo "We are dating"

Tubbs's jaw dropped. He had to pick up his mouth from the floor after what he just said.

nurse: "Very well you make such a cute couple. and you guys are so lucky because when I was hospitalized all I wanted was my girlfriend to be able to be with me but the hospital I went to was homophobic so they wouldn't let me see her "

Ranboo" I'm so sorry about that and thank you for letting me stay"

another time skip why? COS I'M MEAN HAHAHA

"Ranboo?" I ask "Hm" he responds "Why did you say we were dating?" I ask him nervously. " oh because I promised I'd stay with you and that's what I'm going to do," he said proudly "Oh okay" I answer sadly "Did I make you uncomfortable tubbo? I'm sorry if I did." while his smile goes to a frown. "n-no you're fine," I say. I let out a big yawn. "Boo I'm exhausted can we sleep" I whisper "Yep" as he cuddled me.

The next morning

"Hey, Boo~ I must look soooo sexy right now" Mind you I'm in a hospital gown and my hair hasn't been brushed for 2 days. and then I hear Ranboo whisper something couldn't make it out but oh well.

Quick Ranboo POV
"Tubbo you look perfect every day" I whisper hoping Tubbo didn't hear me. I don't want him to get weirded out.


I grabbed Ranboos hand and sprinted outside taking a deep breath as soon as we hit the fresh air. "mmmm don't think I've ever loved the outside more than today" " I wanna touch grass" so I ran to a small grassy flower field a block away and sat there and watched Ranboo run after me out of breath. heh, I love him and there's no denying it. I thought to myself. And always will

Hahaha L cliffhanger welp Have A Great Day or Night and Yayy I finally got another chap out!!! :)))) See ya in the next chapter
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