why do i feel like this? 2

402 17 10

|[hey guys ik this isn't like in the exact order as heartstopper but just deal okay thanks:]]]]]|] some heartstopper moments will be out of order since I'm mostly doing this off of memory and I changed Freddie to Wilbur for plot reasons!!!
Tws fslur
|[Tubbos POV|]

I was sitting in form and was just gazing out of the window then I feel a presence next I look over and its a boy. Quite a tall boy much larger than me actually when I see him. "hi" I say the younger ten-year answers with "hi" and then form class started and cut off our conversation. I don't really know why but I felt a little sad about this. I kept glancing over. Although I have no idea why my body just had to it felt. A couple of times I saw him staring back and quickly looked away. My whole face heated up although I have no idea why It's just him today. Then my stomach started to flutter. I haven't felt this way since I kissed that girl when I was 13 but what does this mean?
My thoughts were quickly interrupted by my teacher asking me a question that thanks god I knew the answer to. Then I heard
a loud *RINNNNGGGG* finally form was over. I got up and saw him again he was picking up his stuff and I thought this would be a great time to exchange names and maybe numbers because he seems really nice. "Hey, um... what's your name," I say while glancing to the left. When I looked back he was staring dead smack at me. Then quickly answered "Oh I'm so sorry for staring I kinda just zoned out but yeah my name is Ranboo," he said awkwardly. "Oh that's a unique name mine is Toby, Toby Smith but I prefer Tubbo," I say with a strong smile because I came up with my nickname myself! "um... wanna exchange Instagrams?" he says quietly taking the words from my mouth before I can say them. "uh yeah sure, here @************," I said "yup!! that's me!! and we ran off because the second bell just rang.

*time skip later that day*

I walked past Ranboo in the hallway saying "hi" as he replied with a quick "hi" back. I asked where he was going. "I'm going to maths what about you" he answered "no way really I'm going to maths too" "wanna walk together ranboo?" I asked really wanting to hang out with Ranboo again. "yeah of course you're the only person I know who has maths right now" ranboo said with a bit of happiness did I catch.
We walked the rest of the way to maths. Then after 20 minutes in maths, I see a note being passed to Ranboo he opened it and ran out of the class. I quickly snatch it from his desk and it said 'fag'. Then the teacher came to me and told me to go after him so I ran out of maths and sprinted to the loo because that's the only place in the school you can hide or so I thought. As soon as I got to the loo I checked all the stalls and they were all empty then I ran down the halls causing a little ruckus at the end of the hall and the only class that didn't have any class. The art block and lo and behold in the corner the prettiest boy I've ever seen was sitting in the corner crying I slapped myself shaking those thoughts from my head before I walk fully in. I walk over and I realize he's sat with his head on his knees and then I let myself slump down the counter to sit next to him. While I do this I wonder who could've said that about Ranboo he's done nothing wrong. He looks up to see me next to him the puts his head back down saying he probably looks awful and I should just go away because "I'm the gay boy everyone makes fun of" he cried I didn't know how bad it was until now. I never even realized he was a person until the fateful day we sat next to each other in form. I started rubbing circles on his back because I didn't know how else to calm him. Then he just looks at me and tackles me in a hug. Saying "t-thank you so much for being a good friend" while sniffling and wiping tears from his eyes " i-i mean were friends right"
I answer with "of course, we are boo" "boo?" he asks. And I felt my face go beet red and I saw his face go red too. "i-i'm so sorry I don't know why I said that that was uncalled for I'm sorry if I made you unc-" I was cut off by him putting his hand over my mouth while he's still on top of me (from when he tackled tubbo in a hug) I feel my stomach churn and my heat up again. And I face palmed with both my hands to cover my blush. Then Ranboo realized what he was doing. "i-i'm so sorry eh.. i... um.. ugh.... sorry." Ranboo quickly got off of me and backed into his corner hanging his head. Then I hug him. The hug was out of nowhere and I quickly let go after having realized what I'd just done and I turned away so he wouldn't see how red I was. Except I don't know why I was red in the first place. I mean friends hug each other and the 'play flirt' right? I mean Ranboo and I haven't 'flirted' but it was normal right? After what felt like hours of comfortable silence the bell rung. "Shit we stayed in here the whole class" unironically I was happy because that might've been the best day of my life!! Then he says "the teacher probably thinks we died or something" he laughed Then we both walked out going to our next period in opposite directions. As I walked I admired the fact that he had heterochromia with one eye green and the other red. I swear I could get lost in them anyway- TUBBO WHAT ARE YOU THINKING HE IS YOUR BESTFRIEND!! YOUR NOT EVEN GAY!! I slapped myself making my face sting a bit. I scolded myself until Fundy walked up to me asking if I had found the 'tall kid' after he ran out of the class. Fundy was probably my best friend from the football team friend group there was also Jared, Tory and many others I mean we had twelve players until one kid tore his ACL and got a concussion after and then his parents didn't let him play anymore so we have enough to play but legally we need one substitution to be able to be a team. Also, I was thinking about Ranboo while I was playing 'American Football' I saw Ranboo running laps about 100 metres in front of everyone and coach Sue yelling about how no one has beaten Ranboos time yet. It was probably because of his long legs.
*after gym class*
"Hey Ranboo," I say "yeah?" he looks up sweaty. OMG, HE'S SO HOT- NO TOBY HE'S NOT HOT HE'S JUST GOOD LOOKING AS IN A COMPLIMENT FRIENDS GIVE TO EACH OTHER ALL THE TIME!! " D-do you wanna join the football team?" I manage to get out " um...huh.... sorry... tubs I didn't get that," he says timidly. Omg, he just called me tubs, what to do, what to do, why is he so perfect? i thought to myself. At this point I didn't even stop the thoughts I'm too worried about my face being really read because I could feel the blush creep up my face. "um...well... I asked if you wanna join the football team" I ask a little too excited "sure" he answers "but aren't I a bit lanky and weak?" He said disappointed "No way" I exclaim "your perfect you'll scare the shit outta the other team." I say proudly. "I can even teach you how to slide tackle and some moves" " your gonna play centre mid cos' that's the spot that you run the most
I explain. *(I was a Striker, Left Wing, and Center Mid)*
Ranboo just answers with an "okay I think I can do that" he says with some excitement in his voice "See you tomorrow in form Tubbs" I felt the blush and I thought I'm going to get him back. "buh byeeeee booo see you tomorrow" Ranboo got red from my statement.

|Word Count| 1500 >:]
|[A/n]| Hai guys!! I hope you had a great day or night. Today was take your kid to work day so yea I made a new friend!! But here is the long-awaited chapter hope you guys like it. It took a very long time for me to write but Voila >:]]]

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