Confidence is key. 7

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Also, I know that aimsey isn't self-conscience about her sexuality but yeah and also don't know a lot about Guqqie So if I'm really off I'm sorry 

|[Aimseys POV]|

"Hey, babe should I come out?" I yell to my beautiful girlfriend. "YASS but only if your ready Aimee, okay?" Guqqie yelled back "I think I am but I may need help." I say "With what babe?" Quggie replies "How about we post it on insta yeah?" "it will be easier than telling everyone in person." I suggest "Oki babe now we wait"


|{Quggie POV]|

I found Aimee crying in her room with her phone in her hand and I walked over and saw the comments and knew why she was sad. "Babe it's okay they aren't always gonna like it when you come out. People are homophobic and always will be" "But you can't let that make you upset ok!! Look at all the people congratulating you and look at all our friends sticking up for us!! It's gonna be okay" She looks up and she goes "I love you so much!!" "I love you too." I give her a long hug. She does grabby hands and I give her a sweet peck on the cheeks and her mood completely changes.

A/N Sorry if this was bad I don't know them as well. Also Am I ready for school? NO

Will I sleep- probably not 

Will I regret it- YUP

okay bye guys

|[Word Count]| 239

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