Going home,the long way round

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The Tardis seems to be in stable flight and you have started to get the hang of the controls you flip a couple of switches and then step back then the console starts ringing you have a call. You answer the call and the tardis shakes as your flight path changes the time column stead's then stops and the room shakes

You smile,you finally had a steady-ish landing
You check the monitor and it says you have landed on a planet known as gamma 3 b it has less gravity then earth it's a scrap yard and it has an earth like atmosphere you open the doors and step out it's like a tip back home just full of bits of machinery and broken spacecrafts and stuff like that
You wander about a bit anbefore you find a slightly aged Agatha Christie novel and look in the publishing date to see it says 5 million, meaning your now in the future you noticed there's a column of smoke rising towards the sky you run towards it.

You arrive at the crash sight
It's quite a large space craft embedded into the garbage
You walk over to the airlock and open the door the corridor is dark apart from a few minor lights further down you step inside and instinctively look behind you before snapping back forward.

As you walk down the corridor it sparks from time to time and you get startled the first few times but start to get used to it

Walking around the ship gives you an uneasy feeling and u start to repetitively look over your shoulder

You find a locked room that the doors are damaged so they open and close slightly and one of them is on a tilt, looking through the gap you see it's another hallway but this one is burning and mangled
You continue to trek down the hallway until u come across a room with the label Bridge on the floor like a doormat it doesn't even cross your mind that an alien spacecraft has an English written sign on it so you just walk inside and see a bunch of fury two headed aliens on....all sixes? One of them starts to make clicking sounds at you but before long you seem to understand what they are saying
"Are you help?" He repeats until you respond
"Yes I suppose I am help why what's wrong"
It stares at you with its empty black eyes "have you not noticed" it scoffs or at-least you think it's a scoff "we have crashed on this junkyard of a planet and are slowly being submerged into the abyss below"
"Oh right" you respond quite nervously
"Hold this down wile I try to turn the engine back on" he says and waits for you to come over and hold the lever he told you to
You grab it
At first it seems easy but once he starts to press buttons on the panel next to it it suddenly becomes a whole lot harder to hold down after a moment the ship turns completely dark then a steady yellow light, emanates from a nearby monitor followed by the rest of the room filling with light as the ship regains power and starts to fly off again
You tell the captain that you need to get back to your ship
It's a little blue box looks quite old and it's a lot bigger then you first think
The deck goes quiet

"Your a time lord arnt you?" He says with quenched teeth
"Don't be bringing your war over here the universe is hard enough as it is without you lot fighting the Daleks" he cuts in before you can respond
"We will drop you off at your ship but don't be expecting to be allowed to help us again"
He then flies his ship over towards the tardis and throws you about 5 foot towards the ground
You get up and brush yourself off and walk back into the tardis

blue box in a forestWhere stories live. Discover now