The legacy of the time lords

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You set the tardis back on course for earth to get Back home
Naturally your mind begins to wonder about what that creature said to you
What is a time,lord and why did he think you were one,was it the Tardis? Is that who made the tardis?
The tardis lands like it usually does and you step out the doors not to find earth tho but to find an astounding landscape red grass coated the ground and the leaves were a Pearl white on the trees there were blue flowering cacti like plants behind you on some orange sand and in the distance there was a settlement just far enough to not make out details but close enough to make out a general shape
You pop your head into the the Tardis and shout "this isn't where I wanted to be" before going back out and locking the door
You turn around to find a group of men and women surrounding you and the tardis you step forward and they all point there guns at you one of them walks forward into the circle and in front of you he then says in a rough voice "by gallafrayan law 15 and the shadow proclamation article 75 sub section 6c you are under arrest for illegal possession of a stolen time machine"

You stare at him blankly
"I'm sorry" you say" but I didn't understand a word of that"
"Your remarks will be noted" he replies
You then feel a jolt at your back and it's quickly climbs up your body then you black out

You wake up behind behind blue bars that give you a shock when you reach your hand out,
One of the armoured people come over and toss you a blue apple like fruit and tell you to eat up before walking off

You take a bite it's quite bitter but then there's a very sweet aftertaste to it
You spend the next few hours in that cell
You almost fall asleep before you are startled awake by a guard wearing similar armour as the other ones
You get put in a cage with the same bars as before

The platform begins to hover about half a foot above the ground and follows as the two guards go along with the cage until you stop at a door and then you enter a big room full of people and a gigantic meeting begins.

After a few more hours of the council of gallafrey deciding your fait they come to the conclusion That you should be sent home without any means of return for the tardis or to gallafrey as a whole

After the session you are taken to a new room and meet the prime minister of gallafrey he thanks you for returning the type 37 tardis that was stolen
He explains that you are very lucky that you weren't killed for coming to gallafrey as "lesser species" such as humans are not allowed to come to gallafrey
You are then told that you will be knocked out and when you wake up you will be home and have no recollection of anything that happened
You try to plea for your memories to be retained
You are then dismissed without an answer

A short time passes before something is strapped to your arm the tell you it's called a vortex manipulator you are told to press a button and it will only work once as it is almost irreparably damaged.
You press the button and you are back in the Forest as if nothing happened

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