Something old or something new

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You almost fall back as the room fills with light and is now more lively then you thought it could be at first 

The walls were covered in indented round things that emitted light into the room
There was a steady hum echoing through the room it was like a pulse (similar to the 9/10th doctors Tardis hum)
You regain your balance and look at the panels of the console unit there are a few aged labels on some of the buttons and levers you flick a switch labelled fan and almost instantly the the room feels as if it's is the centre of a hurricane. All the dust that was previously coating every surface has been disrupted and as quickly as the fans switched on they automatically turned off and the room although still aged was now as clean as you can imagine it was when it was first made

A monitor descends from the roof and switches on
The console emitted a sound to catch your attention
You grab the chain at the bottom of the monitor and pull it towards you. The screen changes from what you assume was the default screen to a image of the console that says self repair switch
You locate the switch on the console and the room goes dark again the monitor flickers says please vacate the interior so the self repair can begin
The monitor switches off and the room is left lifeless same as when you first entered just less dusty

You do as the box requests and exit It's still dark like before but as you check your phone on your way home just for you to see it's a completely different day

blue box in a forestWhere stories live. Discover now