A not so simple flight

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"First",the holographic man said "use the keypad to input your desired location"
You do as he asks, you decide to go back a week or two to when you first discovered the box
"Then lock the destination in with the second switch to the keypads right." The switch makes a click as you press down on it and the man continues "move over to the engine release and switch it off" you look across the six sides of the console until you find a row of flickey switches labelled as "eng-release" and one by one flick them up until the console emits a sound letting you know that you have done it correctly....probably.........

"Now you need to press the red switch on the far side of that panel to let more artron energy into the engine" you locate the switch and activate it and the console emits a higher pitch sound

"Flick all six of the switches on the circular indentation on the panel next to the one you are currently at" said the man
Again you do as you are told and as you flick each switch a corresponding light turns on next to the switch each one is a different pastel colour

"Head to the helm" the man said "you should make sure that the 2nd 5th and 6th switches are up and the rest are down otherwise you may end up in a rupture in the vortex"
"Spin the wheel on the side of the console to deadlock the doors this is optional but is highly advised" you shiver at the thought of what will happen if you don't as you hastily spin the wheel until there is a click

"Press down on the pumps next to the helm to begin to initiate the flight sequence"
"Slide down the hand break this is now standard as there has been complaints of damaged components and warped dematerialisation circuits so always remember the hand break"
"Finally pull on the throttle and prepare for departure"
As soon as you pull the throttle down fully an awe striking sound fills the room and the column in the centre of the console rises before suddenly dropping back down it does this repeatedly
You stand back from the console in realisation that you did it you started to fly this....Tardis?(at least that's what you think it's called)
The flight begins well and everything is going well until the entire console room begins to shake and the console sparks.instinctively you start to try and stop it from getting worse
The hologram just stands there not helping at all
The monitor shows an alert "vortex scrap incoming"
What that is you have no idea but it doesn't sound good

It wasn't the room shakes again the console spews more sparks over the floor and you are sent flying

Regaining your balance you try to make your way towards the console before something else hits the tardis and you fall to the floor again the alarms from before start to ring the room once again is coated in a deep flashing red you tilt your head to look fab the sparking console unit as there is one last crash before everything turns to black

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