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You close you eyes as you and accept your going to die and that no one will know what happened to you
You feel a breeze, it moves your hair, your eyes snap open and you see not much has happened but there's definitely a breeze very faintly you hear a sound.
It's hard to make out at first but as it gets louder you begin to recognise it, a tingle flows through you spine filling you with happiness and excitement
The sontarans notice it too and your executioner opens fire but it deflects off of the tardis's materialising wall

As the tardis lands the room inside becomes steadily more visible to you. It looks the same but oddly different in a way. It seems bigger grander and now has a lower floor and part of an upper floor and the rotor is now taller and attaches to the roof
You take a moment before getting off your knees
Once up you dash for the console,there's no time for celebration your not out of danger yet.

Dancing round the console you take the tardis into a short demat cycle to move out of danger and towards
It lands and you let out a breath that you didn't realise u were holding you open the doors and look outside your in a park that looks mostly untouched
You stroke the side of the box and head back inside materialising near the sontaran ship you hail them through the communication array on the console

"Leave now peacefully we don't have to start a war we can just agree that this never happend and you were never here" you say feelings confident in yourself

"We will not leave peacefully we are sontarans we live for war and killing "humans" like you (girl/boy)(which ever one your not sontarans don't  have a good  concept of gender) an alarm flares and you have a choice you can either disengage and try leave, or attack. You try to leave but hope they follow you away from earth

It doesn't go to plan they send a small attack squad at you but you think quickly on your feet and avoid there fire before initiating a quick landing

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2022 ⏰

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