As if it was a daydream

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It's been a few months since everything happened it's hard to remember everything that happened
It was as if life went back to normal or as normal as it can get after travelling through time and space
The vortex manipulator is just sat In a box gathering dust under your bed as it broke after you arrived home life

You almost forgot about it after this long and since your life has gone back to normal. All you had to do now was normal things like go shopping get a job get drunk at the pub get a hobby of sorts and try and forget, you have drawn the tardis quite a few times after it got taken away from you, looking in your fridge you see you need to go to your local Asda and buy some more groceries and more milk,
You do so and pick up a packet of sweets too
And your life just carries on a normal.
You start to go out more with friends and just enjoy life a lot more than before and you start to become less antisocial than before, by this point you have completely forgotten all about the box apart from the occasional glimpse of a memory and one time you thought you heard the sound of it landing when meeting one of your closest friends before they moved away but apart from that your mind never went to those thoughts

But out of the blue one Thursday morning everything changed..... again. You pop the news on wile you eat breakfast and hear about flying orbs in the sky and short aliens from them with guns telling people to "surrender for the glory of sontar" leaning over towards the window, you see people running and screaming down the street before there are red flashes and people fall down, dead.

(Sorry for the short chapter compared to the last one I tried to make it as long as I could but I kinda couldn't think of what to put but I'll try to make the next one longer also I have changed the title of the story because I prefer it to the original)

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