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happy reading fellas...

Somewhere in the town....

A woman of 25 enters the house by ringing the door bell and waits for the person to open....she is here to deliver the pizza to the owner...she has been waiting for someone to open for more than 10 minutes but on one comes out...she bangs the door but to her horror the door is not locked but it was jammed...then hears the someone wincing in pain and crying for help...she pushed the door forcedly....she slowly enters the door and goes to the hall where she is shocked to see the scenery in front of her....there is woman of 50 laying on the floor in pool of blood....the woman turns her face to delivery girl who is standing there numb.....she calls her and asks for helps....the deliver girl keeps the pizza on the table and goes towards the woman in rush...she knees down and holds her hand and sees where the blood is coming.....the blood is coming from her head badly and slowly the woman is losing her conscious...the girl panics and couldn't do anything...she looks around to find a piece of cloth so that she can stop the blood. But it was too late and woman dies leaving her hand...shockingly the girls gets up and doesn't know what to do...then the someone barges inside the door and ask the girl to stands behind by not touching anything...the girl looks at the entrance and sees many policer officers who were pointing gun at her....she slowly moves back by rising her hand in air...the officer comes and pulls her side and some officers knees down near the woman and checks to see if she is alive or not but she is already death....the girl is still in shock and looks at the dead body without blinking her eyes....the officers hand cuffs her and takes her out...the whole place has been sealed....the girls is taken custody....

At the police station...

The girl gets grilled about the murder and police asks why she killed her....the girl keeps telling them that she didn't do anything...she was there to deliver the pizza and saw the woman laying on ground with blood around her...the woman was asking help and she was trying to do find something so that she can stop the blood...but it was too late and she died there....before she could call someone the police came....the police didn't believe her and tried to confess her the truth about the murder but she kept telling them that she didn't do the murder....she was put in jail as the investigation was going on...the police didn't find any clue....even they thought the girl didn't do anything but the public was demanding the authorities to punish her as she killed the most famous person...due to pressure the police comes with the terms and tried to stage the whole thing and put the blame on the girl as they found her on the spot at the crime scene...her fingerprints were found on her body which it means that she killed her....the girl pleaded to the police to leaves her but no one listened to her.....

After 6 months the trial was going on and all clues were against her....the prosecutor tries to convince the Jude and other jury that the girl murdered the woman....there was no one in the house then how come she says that she didn't do it.. police already searched the whole place and they have found her bike near the tree which is little far away from the house... she walked all the way to the house to kill the woman and to run back and thinking that no one will suspect her... The girl shouts from her place and tells the judge that she didn't do it...she is innocent and someone is trying to frame her in this murder...she pleads the judge not prove her guilt.....

After lot of arguments the girls lawyer pleads the judge to give one more and to handover the case to someone higher authority as this case has many loopholes. The only thing they are here to say that the girl was at the wrong place at the wrong time...the girl already lost hope on this but still feels that someone will find the truth behind it....the judge gives one last look to the poor girl and gives the extension to reinvestigate this whole thing...as he still feels that something definitely wrong in this case....new team will be appointed to this case and will investigate...they have to produce new evidence to the court as soon as possible otherwise the girl will be given a life sentence....the lawyer takes brief of sign and looks back at the poor girl who passes a weak smiles to him....

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