Crime Scene....

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happy reading fellas...

At the station...

Haseena is still reading the case file while Vikram giving her all the possible inputs to make her believe that Karishma is the real murder....

H – there many loopholes in this case....why is that....( looking at him )

V – ( takes brief sign ) when we arrested Karishma...there were lot of pressure around her...the public went mad when they heard the news about the author being murdered and demanded that they should punish her as soon as possible...the police tried their best in the investigation but not finding anything except for her at the crime scene so they put blame on her...

H – so you agreed that she is not the murderer...

V – no.... at some point I thought she is not... but the way evidence shows and lack of witness made me think that she done the murder...the local police searched the whole house and didn't find any one there except for her....

H – (closing the files) alright let's get to the crime scene...I wanted to know how and why the murder happened....

Vikram nods and both leaves the station....after 1/2hr the reach the crime spot...both gets down and looks around to see the whole street is empty.....Haseena looks round the house as well as the place...she comes at the middle of the road and looks here and there and thinks it the perfect place for criminal to do his crime as this street looks abandoned with few people living around....she comes at the front of the authors house and tries understand what just happened on that night....

H – where did the girl parked her bike before she entered the house...

V – (shows her the direction) there near the tree...its not far away from the will take 5 – 6 mins to reach here...

Haseena looks at it and walks towards the direction.... she comes near the tree and looks at the house....Vikram is right, it might take 5 – 6 minutes to reach the house....but the question is why Karishma parked here when she can go forward on her bike...why did she left her bike here and walked to the authors home...

H – have you asked anyone and try to find out why she parked her bike here on that day of murder...when she can easily go to house on it...

V – yes, I asked and even the girl told me at that night some trucks were blocking this whole street.... some people moving their furniture to their home and she can't go any further and was taking time as she has to deliver the pizza on time. So, she parked the bike here and walked to the author home...

H – did you asked anyone neighbours about it...

V – yes I did...even I talked to owner who were moving the furniture....they told me they did saw that girl taking her bag and walking towards the house...but they didn't know that she was actually going to kill her....

H – if they have seen her going. Then they should have seen someone else...if there was another murderer in the house...

V – I enquired them but they told me that on that day of the murder the lights were off and street light was not working...and while shifting the furniture the labours were making too much noise that no one heard the about the author screaming.... time the police arrived that's when the neighbours came to know about murder...

Haseena nods her head and again looks around and then both walks towards the house....the whole place is sealed and Haseena can see some marking on the door...Vikram takes out the key and opens the door... both enters the hall and Vikram lights up the room....Haseena looks around and comes near the white marking of human structure on the floor which means this had to be the body of Shivani near the couch....and there is another circle near the body...Haseena though that must be the place of Karishma who was standing very close to her...she knees down and examines white line and other things on the couch...she can this some piece of cloth...with blood on it....then she sees the phone which hand fallen from the side table....which is near to the sofa...that means she must have called the police from here and killer banged her head from behind....there is also while mark on the side table and Haseena reads the tag saying Pizza box....that means Karishma must have kept the pizza on the table when Shivani was asking for help or she must be killing her at that moment...maybe pizza boz is just the distraction...

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