The Stalker....

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happy reading fellas..

"I am going to get you...."

Haseena just stares at the letter...she quickly takes the letter from his hand and starts to read what she had written to the author. And her eye wide opens while reading her words which seems to be little harsh....

"I know you killed Ryan, which was unexpected to anyone...but why would you do we were very happy when you said that you are going to develop his character in the next book then how could you betray us....i don't understand what are your reasons behind this but you are going to pay for it..."

"I am going to get you..."

Haseena again reads the letter and looks up to Vikram who is also looking shockingly at her back...she keeps the letter and rest her back on the chair. And closes her eyes...

V – you still think she is not the murderer....

H – ( rubbing her forehead ) I don't know what to say....reading her letter doesn't prove that she killed Shivani Roy....and also the letter is printed that means maybe someone else typed those words..

V – are you still trying to prove her innocence....this letter proves that she killed her in the rage...we already heard about Shivani Roy complaint about her fans who tried to harm her when she killed the character...maybe she killed her..

H – (looking at the letter) alright... let's talk to Karishma maybe she can tell us whats this all about until we come to any conclusion..

Vikram nods and both leaves to the prison to talk to Karishma Singh about this...

At the central jail...

"No, it's not me...I didn't write such letters to Shivani Roy...and why would I write like this..." says Karishma while reading the letter...

H – so you are telling us that you didn't send this threatening letter to her...Karishma your name is on it.... this clearly shows that you are one trying to harm her...

K – I would never do that.... what are you guys trying imply here that I murdered her because of killing the character in the book...come on this seems to be immature to me. why would someone kill for the book character...?

V – well maybe you were so attached to the character that who lost you mind when she killed him.... you were in so much in anger that you couldn't control yourself and killed her in rage...

Karishma doesn't say anything and Haseena gives him anger expression and signals him what he talking about....

K – if I had to then why I was standing there in the first place when the police came...I should have ran away after murdering her...but I didn't...( taking a long breath ) look I am not an idiot.. like other people who had lost their mind when the character got killed in the book...and I am ambitious girl and I care about my life...I don't waste time in wiping about the character...which it has nothing to do with my life...

H – so you Know Shivani Roy...

K – (looks at her) I don't...just her books... when I was dealing with trauma during my family death, my friend introduced her book to me in order to take off my mind from everything...I was not really doing great at that time and that's how I came to know about her...

V – so you are not a big fan of her...

K – no, not fan just a reader....and yes, I was upset about the character...but doesn't mean I would kill her...i have more work than this in my life. When I read the book and about her killing part, I didn't pay much attention to that... because I know how the world I just the read and went back to my life like normal people...

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