About Real life...

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happy readying fellas...

"Why do you think that Abhijeet is involved in this...especially the robbery..." asks Vikram while keeping the files on the table...

"I still think maybe he has something to do with murder...so that's why he sends her to that address...." says Hasseena while drinking coffee...

"Look I know you are trying to prove her innocence but what if she is diverting us to something else so that she can escape from this murder..."

"If she has to. Then she should had gone on that day of the murder...why she was there in the first place when she had option to run away from there but she didn't...."

"That's the thing I tried before why the hell she was in the first place..."

"Do you get the reports of Abhijeet about his medical..."

"Yes, I did.... the doctor again says the same thing... on that day Abhijeet was there and also at home he was there .... there is no way he would have done the robbery...maybe we should leave this once for all and concentrate on the girl who is sitting in jail..."

"Well I am concentrating....( looking through the files ) we need to start from the beginning if we need the answers...for that we need to look around the house one more time to find something there...if there was another killer in the house at that night he must have left have something for us...he might have did some mistake...as long as I think maybe he was there when Karishma was banging the door....the killer must be inside the house and got panicked when he heard the noise...then he left before police gets in...."

"So, you think killer seen Karishma there...."


"How we are supposed to find if there was another killer or not...we don't have any witness nor any clue which indicates that there was second killer...."

"Do you get the CCTV footage of pizza place..."

"Yes, we got the footage and our officers are looking through it...if they find anything unusual they will let us know..."

"Hmm...what we do know about this author...did she had any enemies..."

"No she didn't....she was really good author...and definitely a good person..."

"I need to talk to her publisher and some of her friends...i really wants to know about her real life..."

"Okay I get the list...and will let the publisher to meet us..." (takes out his phone)

"No tell the publisher we are coming...I don't want people to get uncomfortable here.... you know what I mean..."

"Yes...I understand that...."

Also, I need Karishma house address. Where she was living all these days ..."

"She was living in the hostel where everything happened to her...she lives with her friend Meghana.... they both study in the same college...and very close to each other..."

"Ok then...(closing the files ) lets talk to her friend..."

Near the hostel...

Haseena and Vikram were waiting for Karishma friend...they already called her to know about their arrival.... after few minutes Karishma friend Meghana comes. She already knows Vikram because he was already there but she little surprised by seeing Haseena there...Vikram introduces each other and all leaves to the nearby café so that they can talk freely...

"So, tell me about you and Karishma.... how she is in person...." Asks Haseena..

M – she is good person. She is perfect in everything....i am very lucky to have her as my best friend...but never imaged someone would do something to her like this...(says sadly )

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