Her Story....

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happy reading fellas..

All were sitting at the chair exchanging looks with each other....Karishma was feeling uncomfortable for a while then she comes around....Vikram gives her look as he too not impressed by taking this case again...he wanted to end this but again due to lack of evidence they had to find another clue to prove her guilty...Haseena just here to study the case not to take it as she already knows who the killer is....she already knows about this case when Karishma was first arrested 6 months ago...she even told her colleagues that Karishma will never come out of this whole mess as she killed the big guy....all their thoughts were broken by officer who had bought some coffee for everyone...

H – so Karishma ...I know its silly to ask but I wanted to make it easy for everyone...you know to make conversation simple...(Karishma nods ) so how are you..

K – well what I say...my life have been going like a roller-coaster mod for the past 6 months...I am severing in the prisoner as punishment don't why....i was accused wrongly for murder but i have nothing to do with Shivani Roy....i was just there to help her but things got really messed up when the police entered at the spot...

H – hmm...so tell me from the begging...I already heard the stories from many people but I now I want to know your side of the story...

K – before I say anything. Can I ask you the question..( Haseena nods ) ...why are you here...when police had already given up on this case then why you are trying to prove me an innocent....i have been through a lot and police didn't do their job properly then why are you coming back to me...

H – I know...you must be thinking I am here just to ask question and to listen your story...but trust me my motto is also the same like others but if I find anything which proves you innocent then I will definitely work on it....so its up to you...you want justice or going to be here for whole life...

Karishma thinks for while and Haseena and Vikram exchange looks....then taking a deep breath Karishma says she is ready to tell whatever she wants to know...Haseena smiles and takes out the note and recorder and keeps on the table..

H – so tell me what really happened on that night. What were doing in that house when the murder happened...

K – ( taking a brief sign ) on that day I was going to deliver the pizza to Mrs Shivani house...when i reached there I saw lights went off in the street....i went to her door and knocked on it...but after waiting for few minutes no on came outside...I again banged her door waited for another few minutes....when I was about to go as no one was receiving the delivery I heard someone crying for help...she immediately pushed the door but it was jammed from inside...with little push I opened the door and walked inside to see what was happening...I reached the hall and stopped on my tracks when I saw a woman was lying on the floor with blood all over her...she turned to my side and asked for my help...I kept my bag near the side table rushed towards her to help her...I was trying to stop her blood which was coming from her head...I looked for the piece of cloth or something to stop but it was too late...( she paused a little Vikram offers her a glass of water. She drinks and looks Haseena who nods her head to continue ) I couldn't do anything..i thought she must unconscious so I checked her pulse near her neck...and I didn't find anything...she was dead. Before I could react or call any help the police barged inside and arrested me....and the rest is the history...

H – why did you parked the bike near the tree when you can go easily with it....why did you took a walk from there...

K – on that night. Some movers were shifting the furniture to their house and they are blocking the whole way...i waited for few minutes but they taking too long...so I decided to take a walk. You know we can't deliver a late pizza to the customer...

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