The Very Beginning....

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happy reading fellas..

Karishma opens her eyes by hearing the knocking sound on her cell door...she gets down from her bed and looks at the cell partner who is sleeping peacefully...she looks though cell bar window above and questions herself why someone is knocking her door at this early hour...when she sees the sky and finds a little sunlight which is rising...she opens the cell door and sees the lady officer there...the officer tells her to follow as they have some work for her...Karishma gets confused, also surprised by this hour...she takes her coat and goes out by closing the door behind...she follows the lady officer to the main office...while going she looks around and finds it too calm around her...looks like people are still sleeping...Karishma mind is building with many questions and the main question why they are calling her at this time when everyone are sleeping...her heart starts to beat when she enters the office...the lady officer stops her and tells her wait there...then goes to the jailer where they are talking to someone who is sitting on the chair. Karishma eyes fells on the person whose back is towards her and doing something on the paper....

Karishma waits for a while not understanding anything...then the person finishes the paperwork and gives to the officer...the officer reads the paper carefully and then calls Karishma near his desk...she goes and looks at person....gets surprised to see Haseena there at this hour....Haseena looks up and gives her warm smile...Karishma smiles back but doesn't understand and thinks what she is doing here....after getting nod from the officer..Haseena gets up and takes a bag from the other chair....with the bag she comes to Karishma and gives to her...Karishma with confused expression takes a bag and looks inside....again surprised to see new cloths inside the bag...she looks up and gives her questioning look..

"What the hell is happening here..."asks Karishma by rising her eye brow..

"Well good morning to you....i am waiting for you near the café ....get ready...we are going on a road trip..." says Haseena causally with a smile..

K - par kyu..

H - pehale tyaar tho ho jaaiye....fir baatha the hai...( then shakes hand with officer and goes from there )

Karishma again with any questions goes to the shower area and get ready for the road trip...after ½ hr Haseena who is on the call walking around the café talking to someone on the phone....stops on her track seeing Karishma coming with the lady officer...of course with handcuffed...she cuts the call and smiles...Karishma gives her weak smile back...the lady officer takes a GPS band from her pocket and ties around her leg.. in order to track her down if she tries to escape...also gives something to Haseena which Karishma couldn't see it properly...then after completing the formalities finally Haseena takes Karishma and walks out of the main gate...Haseena eyes were only fixed on her while Karishma is looking here and there and waiting for the gate to open...the gate opens and both walks to the main entrance and to the parking lot where Haseena parked her car....Karishma comes and stands near the car and looks around...and thinks it's been 7 months she inside the prison and everything looking different for her....for 7 month she was here at prison counting her days to come out....Haseena opens the door and calls her to get inside but stops seeing Karishma whose eyes are closed and tears were flowing....she is inhaling the fresh air and smiling a little...Karishma opens her eyes and trying to feel the nature again then turns around to see Haseena who is staring her back...

Karishma smiles back....Haseena nods her head and gestures her to get inside...Karishma with handcuff gets inside and then Haseena gets in the driver seat and starts her car.....then the moves from Karishma hands were handcuffed she couldn't move her hand properly just looking outside enjoying the view....Haseena noticed this and downs the window glass for her so that she can get fresh air and also see better view which she has been experiencing after ages...Karishma smiles like a small kid as if she got Christmas gift....then she concentrates outside...after driving for a while Haseena stops near the café and gets down telling her to wait inside...after sometime she come out with two coffee mugs and gets inside the car...she handover the mug to Karishma and to her shelf....the after drinking silently again they leaves to the destination....

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