A Talk to Think...

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happy reading fellas...

Haseena looks at Vikram and to the screen where she sees Karishma face on the screen clearly...the whole room is silent except for the sound of printer and typing on the key board...Haseena eyes were only fixed on face of Karishma who just turned around and trying to hide herself in the hoody...Vikram already stopped at that particular track and shows to Haseena....in that tape Karishma is following Shivani to her car and looking at her.....the image is not so clear but whoever sees this will think that she is following her all along... after 2 minutes Karishma checking at her watch and moved from there...and then she was nowhere to be found....

V – I check the whole footage and I didn't find her after she took the photo of Shivani when she was getting into the car....

H – how long she was following her through the party.

V – well she was following for half an hour...I checked the time...she had been following her from 2:00...and wherever she goes she was wearing that damn hoody...as if she doesn't want anyone to see her...

H – I still couldn't believe Karishma could hid something important like this...( still her eyes fixed on her on the screen )

V – I am telling you she is involved in the murder case...and this proves that someone who is following Shivani is none other than Karishma...she's been there the whole time...

H – but still we don't have enough proof...

V - actually I do....( Haseena turns to her and Vikram shows her the paper ) these are the list of people who were attending the launch parts. And look who is on the list..

Haseena takes the paper and starts to read the name one by one...her eyes go wide open when she reads Karishma's name on the 12th number...

H – that's impossible...

V - I don't think so.... this implies that she was there at the launch following the author and also she had been stalking her the whole time...she was trying to find the perfect place to murder her... and she got succeed in it...also we have her letter and where she already threated Shivani for killing favourite character.... she is psychio killer...

H - just stop there.... we have nothing to proof that she is the real killer...maybe she is at the wrong place at the wrong time...( looking at him )

V – (with confident voice) or maybe she is at right place at the right time..

Haseena doesn't say anything and looks at Karishma image...then they both decided to go to talk her the next day as it already a night time...Haseena takes her bag and goes from there telling Vikram to find something in footage if possible... Vikram nods his head and Haseena goes to her home...as this case is making her crazy....

Next day...

"No it cant be...why you guys are bringing the same thing again and again..." says Karishma with little frustration while looking at the footage...

"Because you were all over the place.... you once said you don't know her well and also not a big fan then what the hell you were doing at the launch party at day... are you stalking her..." aks Vikram with stern voice..

"No..i was not...( looking at Haseena who is silently to her )

"So tell me what were doing at the launch party and how come you didn't tell us the truth about it..." ask Vikram..

Karishma taking a deep breath says " yes i was at the launch party and but I was not following her...in fact it was surprised for me when I heard about the launch party and also her arrival..."

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