Chapter 13

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Important! Please Read...

All medical information in the following chapter should be understood to be a work of fiction. I have no experience with CPR, nor have I ever completed any first aid training. The CPR process I have written into this chapter is from basic research and asking those with first aid training. So, to repeat, this chapter should not be considered a guide to CPR! Hope you enjoy this chapter (and I do apologise for not updating sooner! I have moved cities and started university, so life has been a bit crazy). - Ruby.

Bruce immediately sprung into action, his medical training letting him complete his actions automatically. He unzipped her black leather jacket, then checked for a heartbeat again. Nothing. He started chest compressions on Sophie, trying to force her heart to pump again.

One, two, three, four, five — check if she's breathing. Repeat process.

After completing thirty chest compressions and getting no reaction, Bruce started to feel panicked. How long had she been without oxygen now? When Bruce was the Hulk, it was difficult for him to keep track of his own thoughts, let alone the time, but he was guessing it had been nearly five minutes. Tilting back her head, Bruce opened Sophie's mouth and gave her two quick rescue breathes. Then he started the chest compressions again.

One, two, three, four, five — not breathing.

Bruce completed the thirty chest compressions and another two rescue breathes, then paused. Sophie's dark hair was slicked against her skin, water droplets clinging to her icy skin. Her lips were now blue and she was still motionless. Bruce began another round of chest compressions, increasing the pressure, now desperate to get Sophie breathing again. The human brain can go between three to five minutes without oxygen before serious damage can occur. Ten minutes without oxygen, and this damage is likely to be irreversible. Any more than ten minutes and its highly unlikely that person will ever regain consciousness. Sophie hadn't been breathing for nearly seven minutes now.

One, two, three, fou-CRACK

Bruce flinched as he felt one of Sophie's ribs crack under his palm, but he didn't stop.

One, two, three, four, five — check breathing. Repeat.

One, two, thre-CRACK

Bruce jerked his hands away from Sophie as another one of her ribs cracked, his stomach lurching. It was hopeless. Sophie hadn't been breathing for almost eight minutes now, and there was nothing Bruce could use to help her. That's when he noticed something shiny poking out of the top of a pocket on the inside of Sophie's jacket. Bruce leant down to inspect the object, and what he saw made his heart miss a beat. It was a syringe. He pulled it out of her pocket, hope and desperation mixing around in the pit of his stomach. Printed on the label on the side of the tube was the word "ADRENALINE". Without hesitating, Bruce ripped the cap off the end of the syringe and positioned it over Sophie's heart.

"Please work." Bruce murmured, his heart sinking as he plunged the syringe into Sophie's chest, the liquid draining out of the syringe and into her body. Bruce pulled the syringe out and threw it to the side, his eyes never leaving Sophie as he started chest compressions again.

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