Chapter 21

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"Rogers, Banner, you both need to come down to the Medical Unit, right now."

Even though Clint spoke calmly, it felt like something wasn't right.
There was a sense of urgency in his voice that made Steve drop everything and run. He sprinted through the hallways, sliding around corners, careful not to knock into anyone but still barrelling down the hallways faster than could be considered safe. He skidded to a halt outside the Medical Unit door just as Bruce jogged around the corner.

"What's happened?" Bruce asked, puffing slightly. Steve shook his head.

"I don't know. I didn't even know they were back." He answered. Without hesitating, Steve opened the door, and the sight that greeted them was beyond anything they could have imagined.

Tony was sitting on one of the beds with his hands on his face, as blood dribbled sluggishly from between his fingers. Clint was standing beside him, a huge smirk on his face.

"What happened? What's the emergency?" Steve asked, not understanding.

Clint gave a small laugh at that.
"No emergency. I just wanted you to both get here in time to see the doctor set his nose straight. He yelped like a little girl when he got hit, I thought you two might like to hear the encore." he had broken out into a proper grin by this point. Tony made a noise of indignation from under his hands. Bruce looked just as confused as Steve.

"His nose is broken?" He asked. Clint shrugged. "Tony thinks so. The doctor is coming in a second to check." He replied, still grinning, much to Tony's annoyance. Bruce shook his head and stepped toward Tony, pulling his hands down to reveal his swollen and bleeding nose. Bruce set about examining it, with a few annoyed owwww noises coming from Tony.

"Barton, what happened? Were you guys attacked? Was it Hydra?" Steve asked, still unsure of the situation. At his tone, Clint dropped his grin and stepped closer to Steve.

"No, it wasn't Hydra. You need to relax a bit Captain. I know the whole situation has shaken you, but we don't even know if Hydra's out there still, and until we do, you don't need to assume the worst. We weren't attacked. Sophie punched him during the flight back to the Helicarrier." He explained in a low voice, looking at Steve with a serious expression. Obviously, Tony and Bruce could still hear him, as Bruce asked what Tony did to deserve it.

"Nothing! She just leapt up and sucker punched me in the nose!" Tony explained nasally. Clint shook his head.

"Tony, you were looking through her books. Remember we were talking about the privacy thing?" Clint reminded him. Tony rolled his eyes in response. "So what? Doesn't mean she had to go Karate Kid on my face." He whined. Clint shook his head. "The Karate Kid broke the other guy's nose with a kick. You were punched by a little girl." Clint smirked.

"Wait, what kind of books were they?" Steve asked before Tony could respond and start an argument about the Karate Kid. He didn't understand the reference anyway.

Clint shrugged. "Just some books she had hidden at the McGregor Mansion. I don't even know what's in them yet, but I'm going to have to ask her, since her reaction was so.... Protective." He explained, looking at Tony as he finished.

"Barton, it was just a book full of drawings. Like, pencil sketches of trees and people and stuff. I'm sure the other 2 are the same. Don't know why she felt the need to permanently damage my pretty face over it." Tony said sullenly.

"Good news Tony. Your nose isn't broken. You're just having a nosebleed. It'll be swollen for two days or so, then it'll go back to normal. There's no sign of septal hematoma, so you should be alright." Bruce finished his diagnosis and handed Toby a pack of tissues to clean up the blood from his face.

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