Chapter 23

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Sophie wandered aimlessly through the corridors of the Helicarrier, trying to find the Training Room. She still had an hour before she had to be there, but she had been ready to go 40 minutes ago. Sophie also had a feeling she might get lost, and wanted to give herself some time to find the Training Room and maybe explore the Helicarrier a little bit.

A number of agents bustled around, talking to each other in low voices, carrying weapons and computers, all looking extremely busy and important. Most of them ignored her completely, but she received a few quick glances, heard a few quiet whispers, and one or two younger agents openly stared.

Just like home, she thought, a strong feeling of bitterness sweeping over her as she thought of Hydra once again. She had thought, given time, maybe she would be able to stop thinking of it all. Forget everything that had happened. But no, she was constantly plagued by the memories. The loneliness. The pain.

Show that you are strong enough. Prove to me you are worthy.

The voices of old ghosts were always there, whispering to her while she was awake and screaming at her when she was asleep.

And sometimes, just sometimes, the hairs on the back of her neck would stand on end, and she would get the feeling that somewhere, somehow, they were still out in the world, just watching her. Waiting for her.


Sophie was jolted from her thoughts of Hydra by a solid object that seemed to disappear as suddenly as it appeared. She looked down to see a young agent sprawled on the floor, a mess of blonde hair and long limbs. A face emerged from under the hair, a bandaged nose prominent on the young man's bewildered face.

Sophie realised she had just run straight into the young agent that always seemed to be helping Agent Barton, and it appeared that he had fallen straight to the floor. He looked stunned for a moment, possibly surprised by how solid Sophie was, despite her small frame, before he started to crawl around, picking up the loose sheets of paper that were now littered all over the floor. Before she knew it, Sophie was on her hands and knees, helping the young agent pick everything up.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." The young man blurted out. Sophie frowned. Agents at Hydra didn't say sorry.

"I'm sorry as well, neither was I, Agent...." She was trying desperately to remember his name.

"Larson. Agent Johnny Larson. Well, John Larson, but everyone calls me Johnny." He replied, giving a boyish grin. Sophie nodded silently, not sure what else she was meant to say. She helped him  stand up and arrange the stack of papers back in his arms.

"So where are you headed?" He asked, smiling brightly at her.

"The Training Room." She answered quietly, not really comfortable with Larson's bright personality. He grinned widely at her, his face practically glowing as he let out a small chuckle.

"You're heading the wrong way if that's the case. Come on, I'm heading to the accounts department. The Training Room is on the way." He offered, still beaming. Sophie nodded gratefully, and fell into step with Agent Larson.

"So how are you fitting in with S.H.I.E.L.D.? The Helicarrier is pretty cool, right? He asked her brightly. Sophie responded with a silent nod, but felt guilty about her lack of enthusiasm, as Agent Larson also became quiet and stopped smiling.

"I'm sorry about breaking your nose." She offered, her voice still quiet. Agent Larson beamed at her again. "Don't worry about it! I'm getting this bandage off tomorrow. I'll make a full recovery. And the cute nurse downstairs thinks it's kinda cool." He replied cheerily, winking at her. Sophie had no idea what he meant, but just nodded, the corners of her mouth twitching up into what she knew was an unconvincing smile. It was all the encouragement he needed though. Agent Larson proceeded to chat cheerfully to Sophie for the next few minutes as they navigated through a number of hallways and doors.

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