Chapter 8

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Bruce Banner sighed as the morning rays of sun warmed his face. A gentle breeze was blowing through the open window beside him, and he could smell the salty water that was crashing in waves on the beach beside his small wooden shack. After the Battle of New York six months ago, Bruce had spent some time at Stark Tower with Tony and Pepper. He had enjoyed living there, especially when he and Tony worked in the labratory together. But after a few months, Bruce decided to leave. He had spent so long hiding from the world before joining the Avengers that he felt uncomfortable staying in the same place for too long, even though he was no longer running from S.H.I.E.L.D. So Bruce had moved to Mexico, to a secluded little beach shack that S.H.I.E.L.D. had paid for. It wasn't very big, or particularly luxurious, but it suited Bruce. He liked falling asleep to the sound of the ocean. He felt like being here had helped him keep the Other Guy under control. The Hulk hadn't made an appearance since the Avengers had beaten Loki, and Bruce wanted to keep it that way. While the Hulk had proven to be helpful once, Bruce also knew the destruction and death he could cause, and he didn't truly trust his control over the Other Guy. Bruce had escaped to Mexico and was now back to helping other people. There were several poorer communities within driving distance of his shack, and Bruce would spend his days healing the sick and injured, driving from town to town in the old pick up truck he had bought.


The sound of a phone ringing broke Bruce's peaceful morning trance. He jumped up and scrambled away from the small dining table beside the window.


'Bruce cursed loudly as he stubbed his toe on the corner of his bed.


Yanking the drawer of his bedside table, Bruce rummaged around for his S.H.I.E.L.D. issued mobile phone, his fingers finally wrapping around the device.

"Hello?" he asked, slightly out of breath from his sudden burst of movement.

"Dr Banner, this is Agent Hill." A cool, crisp voice rang out from the speaker. Bruce frowned. S.H.I.E.L.D. hadn't made contact since he moved to Mexico, except for when they first set him up with the shack. He was certain they still had surveillance on him, but this was the first time they had called.

"Agent Hill. Hi. Is something wrong?" he asked uncertainly.

"We have a situation. A quinnjet will be there in five minutes to collect you. You will be briefed then." With that, Agent Hill hung up the phone. Bruce sat still for a minute, the phone still pressed to his ear, stunned. A hundred scenarios ran through his mind, most involving him having to Hulk out. Agent Hill hadn't specified if it was him, Bruce Banner, or the Other Guy, that S.H.I.E.L.D. needed. He prayed that it was him, as the idea of letting the Hulk loose made Bruce feel sick to his stomach. Bruce jumped up started rummaging through his few possesions, filling a backpack with the things he would need for a few days away. He quickly got changed and closed the door of the shack behind him, just as a black quinnjet started descending from the sky. It landed in the grassy area behind Bruce's shack, and he was greeted by a young female agent, who quickly ushered him up the ramp and into the depths of the machine. Bruce settled down for a long flight back to America.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

The heart monitor beside Clint continued to beep slowly, the same steady rhythm of the girl's heartbeat. Clint was sitting in one of the medical labratories, gazing down at the pale face of the girl who was lying unconscious on a medica bed beside him, her left wrist chained to the bed by an Ironband cuff. The angry red scars on her face from where he had  smashed the bottle were now faded, so they looked like a smattering of thin scars that formed criss-cross patterns across her skin.  Clint made a mental note to ask Dr Banner about the girl's apparent accelerated healing when he arrived upon the helicarrier. "Agent Barton, Dr Banner will be on Flight Deck C in ten minutes. Repeat, ten minutes." Agent Hill's voice came briskly through Clint's ear communication piece. "Copy that." he replied, before slowly standing. Clint left the labratory, nodding to Agent Larson, who was standing guard outside the door. He made his way towards Flight Deck C, blinking against the harsh sunlight as he opened the door to the flight deck. His sharp eyes quickly made out the silhouette of a quinnjet as it approached the Helicarrier. Clint watched as S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel scurried around the flight deck, preparing for the approaching quinnjet. Clint didn't really know Bruce that well, having only really met him at the Battle of New York. Even then, it was mostly the Hulk who was fighting. Despite the fact he could turn into an angry green monster, Clint liked Dr Banner. He seemed like a nice enough guy, and from what Natasha had told him, Banner was a useful person to have around, whether he was the Doctor or the Hulk, even though the green guy often caused was more havoc than help.

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