Chapter 15

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"Sir, we have Ironman incoming."

Clint nodded to the young agent at the computer, but groaned to himself. He already had a pounding headache, and Tony Stark was about to make it worse.

After the Hulk and Sophie had disappeared, Fury had been...... well, furious. He yelled orders to different agents, organising some to help those injured, while others were tasked to start cleaning up the mess. He then turned to Clint, eye blazing as it locked onto him.
"Agent Barton! You will go to the control room and you will use as many people as necessary to track down Banner and the girl. I want them found! Do I make myself clear?"
"Yes sir." Clint answered, before holstering his gun and setting off to the control room. As soon as he entered the room, agents scurried to their computers, awaiting orders.
"We have two subjects we need to find. Check satellites, news channels, facial recognition, everything. Get our bases searching the areas around them."

"Which bases sir?" A young woman piped up.
"All of them. Every base we have around the globe. These two targets could be anywhere in the world. Get searching!" Clint ordered, as he noticed the agents hesitating. Immediately, the whole control room was buzzing with movement. That was almost four hours ago. Clint sat in front of one of the computers, nursing his 3rd cup of coffee. That's when one of the agents came up with the news that Ironman was flying toward the Helicarrier. A few minutes later, the man himself was standing in the doorway, grinning from ear to ear.
"How did you go, Legolas? Did you catch yourself a ghost?" He asked, sitting himself down at the big table at the back of the control room and spinning around on his chair. Before Clint could answer, he was interrupted by a polite "good morning gentlemen," from the doorway. Tony and Clint turned around to see Steve Rogers walking through the door, dressed in his Captain America outfit. "Hey, it's Capsicle himself!" Tony exclaimed as he stood and shook Steve's hand. Steve rolled his eyes at Tony, but shook his hand warmly. "Good to see you again Stark." He said as he dropped into a seat at the table. Clint eyed the two of them suspiciously. "What are you both doing here?" He asked, his voice sounding harsher than he meant. "Well, since you and the S.H.I.E.L.D. boys had a mini battle in my apartment with that ghost, I planned to pop by today and see what he was like. Then Fury called me a few hours ago and asked me to come in. Said you would explain the situation." Tony explained casually, leaning back in his chair and placing his hands beside his head.
Steve nodded. "I just got back from a mission and was told to report here. Fury said you needed our help." He explained.

Clint groaned to himself, stress and anger bubbling up inside him. This mission was meant to be a relatively easy one, something he could accomplish within a few weeks and that would redeem him in the eyes of his colleagues after the whole 'being Loki's mind control puppet' incident. But no, it had taken him months to finally get a hold of the Ghost Thief, who turned out to be a young girl with serious gamma issues and a history with Hydra, an organisation that was thought to have been destroyed during the Second World War, and now the girl, and Banner, were both missing, and they had no idea where to look. He had no idea how far Sophie's teleporting abilities went, but it was possible they could be anywhere in the world.

This definitely was no longer an easy mission.

And now, Fury had called in two other avengers, clearly thinking he needed help on this. Maybe he did, but the idea that Fury didn't think him able to complete this mission really did nothing to make Clint feel better about himself.

Clint's thoughts were, of course, interrupted by Tony.
"So where is this guy? This Ghost Thief?"
Steve stopped Tony from continuing. "If this is something to do with the Avengers, shouldn't we wait for the others to get here?"

Clint rubbed a tense muscle in his shoulder as he answered. "Thor, obviously, won't be coming today. He's still in Asgard, as far as we know. Nat is on a mission, somewhere in Eastern Europe. And Banner.... Well, he's partially the reason Fury called you in." He explained. He then tapped on the table top, which doubled as a computer screen, and brought up the files he had on the Ghost. Steve and Tony started flicking through the information while he talked.

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