Chapter 7

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"What could you possibly do that I haven't tried already? Short of actually getting physical. No, we'll just wait for Director Fury to get back from Washington." Maria settled back in her chair and started reading through a confidential file on a screen in her lap. Clint shook his head.

"Fury might not be back for hours. We can't expect her to just sit there and wait for him. Look, I know you thought the feminine, motherly routine was the way to go, but I think we need the opposite." Clint mused. Maria looked up, frowning.

"What do you mean?" 

"Didn't you notice? The only time she responded to you was when you dropped the kind and caring act. She didn't react at all when you tried talking about calling her parents or anything, No, she responded when you threatened her. I think this kid has been professionally trained, and that's what she will respond to." Clint shrugged casually, but his blue eyes continued to study the girl. Maria looked at him and sighed. 

"Fine, if you think you can get her to talk, go ahead." she sighed, a slight challenge in her voice. Clint smirked at Maria's challenge and stood, computer screen in hand. He paused in front of the door, taking a deep breath, before his hand slid over the cool metal of the door handle and he stepped into the bright light of the interrogation room. The girl didn't look up from where her hands were resting motionless on the table, still bound. Clint sat down silently and slid his chair a little to the side, ensuring Maria would be able to see in the room behind him. 

"I'm Agent Barton." his voice rang out a little too loudly in the silence of the room. The girl didn't react for a few seconds, but slowly her eyes flickered up to Clint's face. Clint felt his stomach drop ever so slightly at the close up view of the angry red lines that marked the majority of the girl's face. He realised that she was studying him, her dark blue eyes scanning him over critically. For a second, he thought she might speak, but her lips remained sealed. She simply sat there and watched him, as if waiting. "You're an impressive fighter. You've been trained well. Very well, actually. I know that you've attempted to break out of your handcuffs fourteen different ways." Clint stated nonchalantly. The girl narrowed her eyes, a look of confusion passing across her face for a split second before slipping back into its emotionless mask. Clint decided to answer the girl's silent question. "Your handcuffs. They're a new prototype called Ironbands. They're connected to this computer which measures your pulse and also the slightest hand movements. You have tried fourteen different ways to get out of those cuffs, which shows me you have received specialist training." Clint picked up the computer screen in front of him and turned it to face the girl so she could see where the Ironbands where monitoring her pulse. She regarded the screen with wary interest, then dropped her hands dejectedly to the table. 

"Clever design." she muttered flatly. Clint fought to keep the smirk off his face as he thought of Maria, sitting in the viewing room, wondering how he had gotten the girl to talk without any real effort. He nodded to the girl.

"They are clever. Since I just revealed something secret to you, I think it's only fair you share something secret about you." Clint coaxed. The girl narrowed her dark blue eyes in disbelief at Clint's request, hesitating. She then leaned forward suddenly, her hands reaching up as far from the table as they could strain against the Ironbands. A second later she sat back up straight. In her hands were two dark blue contact lenses, which she discarded onto the table top. Clint's eyes snapped up to look into the girl's face.

Instead of the dark blue eyes that Clint thought the girl had, he looked straight into the lightest blue eyes he had ever seen. They were unaturally light, almost glowing inside her pale face. She stared back at him with her freakishly blue eyes, her gaze steely and cold. Clint was pulled from his thoughts by her soft, distant voice. "They were starting to hurt." she stated simply.

"I'm sure the would. You know, I was hoping for something more along the lines of your name? Maybe your age as well?" He probed, the corner of his mouth pulled up in a small smile. The girl hesitated, her eyes scanning Clint's face once more. The sound of the door behind Clint opening pulled her focus, and just before Clint could turn to see who was entering from the viewing room, something flew past Clint's head and buried itself into the girl's neck. The girl gave a small sigh, then slumped down, unconscious. Clint stood and quickly pulled the large tranquiliser dart from her neck, before turning and coming face to face with Director Fury. Clint held the dart up angrily. 

"What the hell is this about?" Clint asked angrily. "Sir, she was about to talk." he added respectfully as an afterthought. 

"Well Barton, this is a fine mess. The girl's blood report came back. She has high levels of gamma radiation." Fury replied authoritatively.

Clint frowned. "How high?"

"Along the same levels of Doctor Banner." Fury stated gravely. 

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