Chapter 17

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Help me.
Why didn't you stop him?
You need to escape.
Just run! Sophie, go!

Sophie's eyes snapped open, her chest heaving with frantic breaths as the echoes of the voices in her dreams rang in her head. She winced as she felt a pain shoot through her ribs. Her eyes struggled to make sense of her surroundings, her sleep-addled brain and the darkness disorientating her.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

The sound of the heart monitor beside her helped Sophie work out where she was. She concentrated on her breathing, and listened as the beeping of the machine slowed down, until the rhythmic beating of her heart was slow and comfortable under the palm she had laid on her chest. She licked her chapped lips, her mouth dry as she settled back into the bed. Sophie allowed herself a moment of weakness as she lay her head back against the soft pillows, her brain still slightly fogging, thanks to the drugs that were pumping through the tubes in her arms. It was so tempting to just drift back to sleep, listening to the gentle beeping of the machines around her.

A gentle rustle made Sophie bolt upright, hissing softly at the pain in her ribs. She wasn't alone in the dark room. From the light coming from under the door, Sophie could just make out the shape of a sleeping man curled up on a chair near her bed. Slowly, quietly, and without taking her eyes off the figure, Sophie started removing the tubes and wires that connected her to different machines. She moved to slide off the bed, pausing as her hospital gown rustled against the sheets. She then moved to swing her legs off the bed, but stopped as her ankle wrenched painfully against something metallic. She threw the sheets off to reveal that her left ankle was cuffed to the hospital bed with an Ironband, the metal glinting at her mockingly. Cursing under her breath in German, Sophie tried to work the cuff off her leg, but it wouldn't budge.

A light suddenly flicked on, illuminating the room with a soft golden glow. Sophie snapped her head around to see that the man had woken up. Agent Barton sat looking at her, blinking away the sleepy look in his eyes, his hand still on the light switch of the lamp.

"Good evening." He yawned after they had stared silently at each other for a minute. "Or should I say good morning." He added as he glanced at his watch, which told him it was just after 3 in the morning. Sophie decided that her best strategy would be to keep her mouth shut, so she just continued to stare silently. Clint shrugged, and stretched out his muscles. He had been expecting the silent treatment, and his neck was sore from curling up on the arm chair.
"Do you want some water?" He asked after a minute. Sophie stayed still for a moment, then nodded mutely, her tongue involuntarily licking her dry lips. Clint reached around to the mini fridge and pulled out a bottle, handing it to Sophie. She snatched it, eyeing him wearily, before unscrewing the cap and gulping down half the bottle. She stopped only to gasp softly and place a hand against her ribs. Clint winced sympathetically at her obvious pain.

"How are you feeling? Banner said you broke a few ribs, and he was worried about you puncturing a lung, but the doctors reckon they're already healed enough to not be a danger. You're just going to be uncomfortable for a while. You need plenty of bed rest." He explained gently. Sophie just eyed him wearily, setting the bottle down on the bedside table. She debated with herself about speaking to Clint, curious about some questions but not wanting to give in. Eventually, curiosity won.

"Is Doctor Banner alright?" She asked quietly, not looking at Clint.

"He's alright. He was a bit shaken when you guys got back here, but otherwise he's fine. Sophie, why do you trust Doctor Banner?" Clint asked. Her apparent concern for the Doctor was out of character from what he had seen of her so far. Sophie turned her gaze upon him, a bitter smirk on her face.

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