Chapter 24

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Hello everyone! Thanks for your patience with this story - I do intend to continue writing it, and I promise that I do want to finish this book some day (hopefully sooner rather than later)! I've had a crazy couple of months - university, work, and I also moved to another country for 7 months for an exchange (which was amazing, but also unfortunately meant that I wasn't focused on Ghost).

I had trouble with this chapter - I knew where I wanted the chapter to go, but just wasn't sure how to write it to get to that point (I'm sure anyone who is a writer on here can sympathise!) but I hope you guys like it and please continue to comment, as it reminds me that I need to update, and it gives me the motivation I need! ~ Ruby.

"So what's the game plan today Katniss?" Tony asked after Sophie stepped away to stretch. Clint leant in a little closer to Bruce and Tony, keeping his voice low so that Sophie wouldn't hear.

"I want to keep this low key. Nothing crazy, just collecting the data that we need, and maybe asking her to show us her skills and preferences with weapons and fighting. You guys do the tests however you want to, and I'll help where I'm needed, but I really want to focus on observing her today. The most important thing though is to not treat her like a robot. I want her to feel as comfortable and relaxed as possible, not tense or nervous. Okay?" He asked, his eyes moving from Bruce to Tony, who he gave a hard glare. Tony threw his hands up in surrender.

"Why do you automatically assume I'm going to make things weird?" He asked defensively. Clint rolled his eyes. All three turned when they heard the door to the Training Room slide open and Steve slipped inside. Sophie had her back to him, but Clint immediately noticed how tense she became at the sight of Steve, her whole back becoming rigid. She was staring, or maybe glaring, at him, Clint couldn't tell. It was Tony, of course, who interrupted the brief silence.

"Cap! It's not like you to sleep in - oh wait." He smirked. Steve's eyes lingered on Sophie for a second before he looked up at the three men and walked toward them, not really registering Tony's jab at him as he nodded a greeting. Clint could tell that Steve still felt guilty about Sophie, and her apparent hatred of him didn't seem to be helping.

"I just came from a briefing, and I have some spare time, so I thought I would see if I could help here at all." Steve explained, glancing toward where Sophie had continued stretching out, her back to them. Clint felt sorry for Steve, as he noticed the bags under his eyes, the slightly disheveled hair, and the slight turn of the corner of his mouth. He was tired - no, exhausted. This Hydra business had really been affecting him, and Clint could understand why. What was more frustrating, however, was the fact that there was nothing they could really do about it right now. They had checked the physical locations that Sophie had given them, but there was nothing there. Now it was up to the agents and researchers to try and find any remaining traces of Hydra through their surveillance and security systems. Something that Captain America wouldn't be able to really help with. Clint almost wanted to tell Steve to go rest, but knew better than to do so. The Captain's straight back and steely eyes told him that this was a man who wouldn't really rest until they knew for sure that Hydra was destroyed. Right now, with nothing he could do, he needed a distraction.

"I'm not sure if we would have anything for you to do Captain, but you're welcome to observe." Bruce nodded quietly, glancing down at the screen in his hands. "I want to run some tests on stamina, strength, reflexes..." Bruce began to list, but he was loudly interrupted by Tony.

"Let's have a competition! The Cap against the Ghost Thief - we'll see who's better! My money is on the Wall of Muscle here, but," he added, as he gently touched his still bruised nose, "you never know what the little Spitfire could do."

Clint glared at Tony, ready to punch the smirk straight off his face. Steve looked deeply uncomfortable with the suggestion.

"Stark, I don't think that's a good idea. We shouldn't.." Steve began, but a voice behind him made them all turn around.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2017 ⏰

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