In the morning, after getting a good breakfeat of grass, the horses started walking up again. This time Cobalt was at the back. To get revenge, if him came within 5 feet of Honeysuckle's heels, she would kick out. Most of the time Honeysuckle would hit her target (Cobalt's barrel). Eventually Cobalt stopped trying to get to Stardust. Soon the ground leveled out into an open field full of wild flowers and green grass. On the far side of the field was a run off river with fresh water. Cobalt tried to go over to Stardust but Honeysuckle bared her teeth and ran between Cobalt and Stardust. The three horses spread out over the field, each doing their own thing. Honeysuckle stayed relatively close to Stardust incase Cobalt decided to try and get close. Cobalt mostly stayed by the river and only eating grass near the river. Stardust was munching on grass near the path they had come up. Honeysuckle was soaking up the sunshine int the middle of the field but still keeping an eye on Stardust.
All way quiet. No birds chirping. Stardust started trotting around the field because she had was to much energy and need something to do to burn it. First she trotted circles, but when she got dizzy she started doing figure eights. After she got bored with those she started to do leg yeilds, extended trots and collected trots. Stardust also threw in a couple downwards transitions. Once her muscules were warmed up then she started to canter. First she did some circles then some canter leg yeilds. She then took a walk break to catch her breath. After that break was done she went back to canter and did some lead changes in the shape of an 8. At the halt she did some turn on the haunches and turns on the forelegs.
After another break, Stardust started galloping. She started out slow put quickly progressed until she was going as fast as she could. Cobalt lifted his head from eating and was watching her. Honeysuckle quickly galloped to catch up with Stardust, when she had caught up she nudged her hard in the rump and spun around so fast she was just a blur. Stardust spun around and galloped fast towards Honeysuckle, the two mares had started a game of tag. After awhile Cobalt joined in and all too soon all three horses were galloping madly around the field, trying not to be tagged. Honeysuckle was the first one to stop running around so now it was just Cobalt and Stradust playing tag. Honeysuckle walked over to a cluster of trees off to one side of the field and layed down, resting her tired legs. Soon Cobalt came over to the clearing and layed down a few feet away from Honeysuckle. Honeysuckle pinned back her ears to show her displeasure but did not get up to chase him away.
Together they both watched Stardust gallop madly around the field. After Stardust had burned all her energy, she walked over to the river and took a long drink. She then walked over to the cluster of trees and layed in the middle of Honeysuckle and Cobalt. After awhile of resting, one by one they horses got up and spread out in the field. All way peacefull until they heard galloping coming towards them. Cobalt immediately herded both mares in the opposite direction from the galloping. Cobalt then turned to face the danger, he was standing his ground. He would not let anything harm his mare and her public nuisance. Soon the noise came into view and what is was shocked Stardust.
Coming galloping towards them was a horse. The horse was about 16 HH, was a brown and white coloring like an appaloosa but had the body of a quarter horse. The horse had a pattern all to familiar. Suddenly it dawned on Stardust why this horse looked so familiar. She raced towards him. Cobalt tried to stop her but she would not listen to him and continued forward. Finally Honeysuckle recognized this mystery horse and rushed forward too. Cobalt gave up trying to protect ''his herd'' and just hung back.
This mystery horse was Buckshot from the farm. How is this possible? thought Stardust. After hellos were said and the horses settled down, Buckshot started to tell his story.
Rob had taken him into the woods and pointed the shotgun at him but at the last second he pointed to towards the sky and fired. The shot spooked Buckshot so he went galloping away from the gun. He then explored the forest as a wild horse. He actually did pretty well for being alone. He was traveling in the other direction when he caught scent of Stardust and bolted here.
Now it was Stardust's time to tell him their story. She told him about jumping out, the expedition towards Kristie and the black stud in the hang back not really sure if this horse can be trusted. Stardust asked if Buckshot would be staying with them. Buckshot said no that now that he was free, he never wanted to go back to captivity. He would stay with them for a couple days before he left to explore somewhere else and meet more animals. Soon Honeysuckle got bored and wandered away from Buckshot and Stardust. Once they were done talking, Buckshot and Stardust started a game a tag just the two of them. Honeysuckle found Cobalt standing under a tree sulking. First she started ignoring him and hanging out with Honeysuckle now she was dotting on this new horse. When would Stardust see that he and her were meant to be together forever? Cobalt thought. He was so preocuppied he did not realize that Honeysuckle had come over. Once he realized that Honeysuckle was standing beside him, he did not push her away and the two horses stood under the tree for awhile. Both horses were sulking, pouting and thinking of all sorts of thoughts about Stardust.
Soon night fell and at one side of the field Stardust and Buckshot were sleeping side by side and on the other Honeysuckle and Cobalt were sleeping further apart. Cobalt did not want to admit it but it was actually really nice to have Honeysuckle's company earlier. He felt a bit sorry for the way he treated her earlier in the journey.
Author's note
The photo at the top is Buckshot
QOTD: What is better cats or dogs?
Personally I think that dogs are better because they get you out more and are willing to go any where with you.
The Great Expedition
DobrodružnéWhen Kristie has to move to Colorado, she has to leave behind her beloved mare Stardust! One day Stardust is feed up with Kristie no longer being with her she decides to jump her pasture fence and travel into the forest to get to Colorado! Will Sta...