Chapter 16- Full moon

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"Dad.. Mr manhatt invite us for a full moon gatherings." i broke the news feeling a little uneasy.

"Full moon gathering? What is that gathering for?" His replies makes me froze in my seat, didn't know how i should tell dad about all of them being a werewolf.

"just... a normal gathering i guess."

After Dinner's done, Hendrick came knocking on my door to fetch us. My heart has finally opened half of it for him ,after all those changes he've gone thru. I pulled his hands into my house and pushed him onto my sofa standing infront of him as dad is in his room, getting changed for the full moon gathering.

He flashes out a smirk as he holds on to both of my hand thinking that i will be doing whatever dirty things that he has up in mind.

"Not what you think it is." he pout as he pulls me closer to him , i strandle my legs around his waist, with both hands locking around his neck. His lips, caught my attention, i knew that i wanted to kiss him but in the same time, i have to avoid those thoughts as i'm having another thoughts to discuss. Hendrick came closer, wanting to kiss my lips but i move my body inches away from him.

"What if dad got scared, i haven't told him that you're a werewolf.. i don't know how too." I finally let out what i've been keeping in my thoughts. what if dad changes his thoughts about liking all of Hendrick's family ?

Hendrick didn't say a word but to smile and slowly tilt his head , placing his lips on my neck as he tries to slowly bite it but he releases my skin from his gritted teeth , "I wish i could mark you mine now." He sigh as he lean his head against the sofa as he slouch his body a little.

i lean closer, still ontop of him. I place my legs to the side of him as i kiss his lips, i could feel his bulge under his jeans making me move my body , grinding against his. Groans escapes from his mouth, during our kiss. i smiled and do the same thing repeatedly , with Hendrick hands holding on to both my waist. His groans were louder as i break the kiss and came nearer to his ear, "you will alert dad with all your groans." i smirk, remembering what he did to me during the first time he assaulted me making me moan. I got back up, placing a kiss on his cheek.

"How could you even do something like that and just back off without even finishing it." Hendrick grumbles.

"finish what ?" Dad overheard what Hendrick says as he walk down the stairs. Hendrick quickly covers his boner.

We finally reach to Hendrick's house, there's two other new family which Hendrick told me that , those two seperate family is Kelly's dad friends, My heart were beating , just by thinking what dad reaction will look like.. i hope he won't faint.

we settled down infront of a pit of campfire, Mr manhatt shares a story.

"AND NOW, LET'S BEGAN RUNNING!" he shouted finishing off his stories as rest of them howl in excitement. I felt nervous, they will be running and therefore they need to shift themselves, I've never seen a crowd of wolf before making me scared, what makes me scared is when dad fainted.

Hendrick pick me and Dad , enter in their house as everyone started stripping off, i could see, daddy were looking down. Is he about to faint?

"Stay here. I'll be back." Hendrick hold both my hands. i get closer to dad as he hug me for the last before he walk away, joining the rest of them. We heard bone cracking sound again and again, and all of them stood on their fours. Dad didn't seems to be shock, not a little bit. "Allayna !" Both Kyla and Kristal startled me with their shouting as i face them, running down the stairs. They hug me and dad as dad pick both of them on his strong arms. They couldn't join the rest as they're not able to shift yet .

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