Chapter 1||The Arrival

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(Amber's pov)

It was my first arrival at John California University (JCU) and I'm actually the 4th generation of my family that is attending this very University. My family has good history and outstanding achievements on these very grounds and basically my family is rooting for me and expecting me to make history as well. It's kind of like a traditional thing that runs through the family.

"Heyyyy yo what's up didn't expect to see you arrive so early here"

Me and Kenny shared some dap and hugged it out. This man is named Kenny Hakim, my best friend since 8th grade, we have a lot of memories back in Michigan, we snowboard, we stole things, we partied hella hard during our junior year all the way to senior year in high school. We have a lot of wild memories together.

"Yo it's good to see you man, man are you ready to make some crazy memories in college?"

"Ughhh.... I.... Amber even though I want to have a good time, this year I have to focus hard, my father has been stressing me out and on my head about succeeding"

   He sighed in disappointment as my eyes looked away in disappointment.

"Well.... I guess the good part is that we get to be in the same classes and we get to model together"

"Exactly you're right bro, even though it might not be as fun as it was in high school, we still can make some hella good memories"

"Yo do we have the same first class though?"

We looked at each other's phones to see if we had the same first hour class but it comes to find out that we don't but we have the same classes for the rest of the day.

"See you at the next class"

"Alright bro see ya"

We went our separate ways as we went into separate buildings. I arrived at the building of African Culture Class, I looked around the building, while also looking at my schedule to see the room number of this class. After a few minutes or so, I finally found the class. The class was practically filled, and I seen all types of different faces, I started to walk down the aisle scoping out some available seats, it was hard.

Then a brown skin girl waved her arms in the air to get my attention and pointed to the seat next to her. I hurried over down the row and sat next to her, sitting my book bag next to me.

"Thank you"

I said bowing my head out of respect almost forgetting that I'm back in America again and this is not Taiwan.

"Oh no problem, my name is Nia, what's yours?"

She said making full on eye contact with me and giving a bright smile, she was a very beautiful girl and she seemed familiar but I just couldn't put my tongue on it.

"My name is Amber, what are you majoring in?"

"I'm majoring in fashion design.... I'm surprised you don't know who I am"

She says after facing the teacher, she was giving me the impression of a snob by her body language as if I was SUPPOSE to know her. I just faced my attention towards the teacher as well.

"The history of Africa is filled with sorrows, riches, pain and most of all in this class, you will learn about the royal families and the good things and the different languages used in each tribe, I know throughout the school systems they always teach about slavery and Africa being stolen of their resources, well let's just say we're going to dig a little deeper, so today since this is most of you first day, you guys will write a two paper essay about a royal family in Africa, now they don't have to be necessarily a famous one but search it up and study on it"

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