Chapter 6||Twin Souls

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(Amber's pov)


"Hello? Who are you?"

"You know me.... Cause I know you"

"You feel familiar but... I don't know"

"I'm here with you, I'll be on my way to you"

    I suddenly gasped, waking up from a dream that felt way too real, I picked up my phone from the night stand, looking at the time. It was currently 4:30 am, way too early for me to be up. I fluff my pillow and positioned my head in a comfortable position. What was that dream? The woman in it was so beautiful though, she felt so real and strong, my heart couldn't stop beating, I think there's something wrong with my heart like I thought before. I gotta go back to sleep, I slowly drift back to sleep.

(Later on in the morning)

My alarm went off, I reached my hands from out the covers to stop my alarm. I slowly groaned and forced myself out of the bed; I went into the bathroom to do my daily routine and showered. I moisturized and got dressed, headed to the kitchen, making some cereal.

My phone head ding with a notification, I looked at my phone to see it was Kenny.

Kenny: what up bro, Nia asked me to text you, she needs us in the auditorium

Amber: for what?

Kenny: she said something about helping put together some looks for this play that's coming up

Amber: sure. Ok when?

Kenny: 3rd period

Amber: ok

Hmmm Nia seems like she's interested in us specifically me though, I'm thankful for the opportunities since this is something me and Kenny are interested in but this Nia girl what is she up to? I'm still investigating.

I took a look at the time and it was almost time to go to first period, I put my bowl in the sink, grabbing my bag from my room, grab the keys and headed out the door, locking the door behind me. I headed towards the shuttle bus stop, since this way I get there faster; the bus arrived as I paid my fare, choosing a window seat.

I finally arrived to the university campus and hopped out the bus, looking around at the scenery. I headed to my first class, once again a boring repetitive day but it's all worth it, just been a boring semester so far except for fashion class of course. I walked through the doors of the building, heading to my first class of the day, but when I arrived, I saw Nia wasn't there.

I slowly sat down in my seat, looking forward to the teacher who did her usual morning greetings to the class. For the first time in my life, I was actually missing Nia in this moment, what was coming over me? seriously. She literally just missed one day, what the heck Amber. But then again, maybe she's doing work for the play.

The bell had finally rung and class was dismissed, I walked out the door and down the hall towards the corridor. Soon as I opened the door, I saw Kenny walking towards me, I flashed a smile

"What up bro?"

"Nothing much man"

We said walking towards our second period,

"Yo now that I think of it.... How did you even get Nia's phone number?"

"Oh we exchanged phone numbers at the cafeteria the other day, we ran into each other"


I stared at Kenny for a second as he continued walking then I continued walking, my mind wandering but I shrugged it off. Then I started thinking, is Kenny behind all of this? Honestly it wouldn't surprise me, Kenny is always pulling some strings and making connections, networking.

So I guess no need to be so suspicious, he probably is behind all of this, this puts my mind at ease. We finally reached second period, and everyone sat in their seats as our teacher comes to greet us.

"So.... Kenny", I suddenly spoke looking at him

"Yeah what's up?"

"Aye come on tell me the truth, you personally know Nia"

There was a long pause and I can see him look off into the distance as if he was thinking before speaking

"Nah bro why'd you ask that?

"Because you and Nia seem close"

"Excuse me, but is Ms. Amber Tang jealous?",he spoke in a playful yet serious tone

"What!? No way, there's no need to be, I only asked because you were super duper excited to get me close to her then y'all exchange numbers but then you said you were in a group chat with her some years ago"

"Yeah that's all true bro, I mean... what can I say? You know I work my magic bro and I pull a few strings for myself and for you because I love you, if I didn't, I wouldn't be doing all of this. Don't you see? This is all in the plan to get us to be super models of the world especially you"

I looked off into the distance, my heart was honestly touched by Kenny's words I had to process

"Wow, thanks Kenny, sorry about my accusations I was just so curious to know"

"Aye I get it bro, she's all yours, and by the way she's not even my type",he said tapping my shoulder

I rolled my eyes to his teasing words

We continued to pay our attention to the teacher, me anxiously looking at the clock as my heart beats fast knowing that I'm going to see Nia soon. But in my head I'm wandering, why am I feeling so anxious? Am I really falling for Nia? Hell nah no way, she was obnoxious and annoying, why would I wanna go for somebody like that?

The bell had suddenly rung and everybody rushed to get up and leave, me and Kenny heading the hall out the doors and we headed towards the auditorium. Me and Kenny were practically speed walking at this point as we walked right out the doors, I suddenly bumped into someone when I went to kneel down and help the person, we looked up at the same time and in that moment, I felt my life flash before my eyes, looking into this girl's eyes that said a lot.

She was absolutely beautiful, dark skin that glowed and her aura was strong and I could see a glowing light around her, she was beaming and my heart was going super duper fast as if I was dying. Who is she? Then I thought, she was the same girl in my dreams but how could this be? Did I go through a black hole?

Twin Flame(双灵魂):It Takes Two Souls To TangleWhere stories live. Discover now