4 AM Is Better With You

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(Amber&Khaddi Late Night Conversation)

Amber: Hey are you up?

Khaddi: Yes, thanks for the dumplings you didn't have to share with me so thanks again

Amber: No problem, like I said it's been a while since I've had a proper cooked meal so I'm glad I got to share it with you.

Khaddi: you're sweet, so tell me Amber, how was your journey?

Amber: my journey? I'm afraid I don't understand? Lol

Khaddi: 😂 what I mean is that you've seem to have came a long way since coming to JCU

Amber: oh well yes my great grand parents are immigrants from Taiwan, and they were poor, my mother got an opportunity to attend JCU when she was just a young adult and my father had found a job here and a couple years later they had me. My family ties are within JCU, even my great-grandparents attended here.

Khaddi: Which has been a hard journey for you, I know,  I know what's it like to have immigrant parents, mine are from Gambia.

Amber: we have something in common I see

Khaddi: we have more in common than you think, just find out with me

Amber: wow, you are amazing. I don't know what else to say but..,, could I ask, what are some things you're afraid of the most?

Khaddi: I am afraid of failing my family tree, I'm afraid of living in regrets, I try not to hold onto the past too much. What about you?

Amber: I'm also afraid of failing my family tree, that I will let them down.

Khaddi: I will say even though we're afraid of shaming our family tree, we should live for us. We're grown now and whatever route we choose to take, should solely be up to us

Amber: I wish it were that easy

Khaddi: it is, it takes time of course but you don't have to go at it alone

Amber: thank you Khaddi

Khaddi: no problem, now let's lighten up the conversation, do you like red or blue?

Amber: lmao blue?

Khaddi: Right answer

Amber: and .... What does that mean?🤔

Khaddi: absolutely nothing, I was just being random

Amber: lol omg 😂

Khaddi: I hope I didn't scare you off

Amber: you could never do that

Khaddi: oh stop, don't make me blush ☺️😏

Amber: I'm sorry if I was too personal with my questions earlier

Khaddi: too personal? You are okay Amber, you can ask me anything whether it be personal or not

Amber: How's life treating you right now?

Khaddi: treating me well now, I got my own place, get too breath easily now, I mean other than being worried about my friend currently, she has a stalker on her hands

Amber: seriously!? You guys reported?

Khaddi: yeah she actually reported first to the head Dean and principal and they contacted the policemen which resulted in them putting extra tight security around JCU

Amber: wait... so that's why we had that big meeting 🤔

Khaddi: yeah and at the time, I was still back at home in Gambia and she booked a flight to me and told me everything

Amber: wow I hope someone finds that son of a bitch and lock them up, I could help you guys hunt them down

Khaddi: thanks, we could use all the help we can get at this point


Khaddi: yes?

Amber:How is your energy so familiar? Too familiar?

Khaddi: I don't know..... maybeeeee we're fated to meet?

Amber: I think that's it lol
How is it having your own space? I wish I had my own space

Khaddi: it's absolutely wonderful, I mean if you need a breather, you could come over when you want just let me know but only if you promise me you'll make me some more of those dumplings

Amber: It's a deal ☺️👍🏾

Khaddi: and in return of that I could also show you a famous Gambia dish that my mother makes all the time whenever I go back to Gambia

Amber: okay I can't wait, is this a date? Lol I'm sorry I didn't mean to jump the gun

Khaddi: I mean you can call it what you want. ☺️

6 hours later

Amber:Damn I just realized how late it was

Khaddi:omg it's literally almost 3 AM

Amber:wow were we literally talking for that long?

Khaddi:I enjoyed it though 😆

Amber:I did as well ☺️ but I should rest up and I know you got practice so you should definitely get some sleep

Khaddi:already gonna be tired but good thing I got plenty of matcha tea and coconut water to give me energy

Amber:well I'm glad, I wouldn't want you falling asleep on the track field 😂😂

Khaddi: no way lol 😂 but anyways goodnight Amber

Amber:Sweet dreams Khaddi ☺️

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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