Chapter 7||Love In The Air

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(Khaddi's pov)
"Who was she? My heart couldn't stop beating she was all too familiar to me, was she the girl that was in my dreams last night? But I continued on my way to the Dean's office to clear some things up. I knocked on the door.

"Come innnnn", the Dean's voice sounded

I entered and when I enter the office, there was another student in the chair beside the empty one.

"Oh are you busy right now?", I said on the behalf of the student

Then the student turned around, and dude was super handsome, his smile was like an angels, I've definitely never saw him before he must be new here.

"Oh no Khaddi, what did you need today?", the Dean suddenly asked, knocking me off my daydreaming of the dreamy boy

"Ahh yes, I just wanted to drop off my credentials and to let you know that I'm happy to be back here, it's been a while",I spoke confidently but nervously

"Yes well I'm proud to have you back Ms Njie, and hope that everything will go well, now if you need anything don't hesitate to reach out",he spoke flashing a smile

I looked at the Dean then my eyes shifted the guy, who had an unbearable smile, did he know he was staring at me at this point? With his gorgeous smile?

He then faced the Dean, and I just walked towards the door and out the office. "Why did he smile at me like that? Who was he? What is suddenly being put in the air, these encounters all at once. Once I reached the corridor down the hall, I felt a hand touch my shoulder; I turned around to see who it was and it was that handsome boy.

"Hey sorry I wanted to introduce myself, I'm James",he said with the same smile he gave to me in the dean's office, with his hand out

I smiled and shook it

"Nice to meet you James, I'm guessing you're new here?"

"Ahh yes I am, I'm actually a junior transferring from Valley State University"

"Hmm... Valley State? What are you majoring in if you don't mind me asking"

"Well at Valley State, I studied Medicine, but here I'm majoring in fashion design and modeling"

"Interesting, you fit the model profession"

He blushed at my comment, well it was true boy had the smile of an angel and face structure of a god.

"Well I'll let you get going, maybe I'll see you around?"

"Maybe", I responded

I headed my way out the door and headed to the cafeteria to grab something to eat. I decided to order Beyond Juicery + Eatery, which was my go to meal to order when I was here. It brings back memories and it was quite refreshing to be back here at JCU.

I sat down and took a bite out of my salad, nice and refreshing. As I was eating my lunch, I saw Jessica and I was wandering what she was doing here? She should be at home but of course Jessica wasn't gonna stay in one place. She's always been the wandering type.

Suddenly our eyes had made contact and we smiled at each other as I signaled her to come over. She rushed over to where I was at and sat down.

"Girl what are you doing here?", I said before taking another bite out of my salad

"Because girl I'm back at school now"

"What!? So you got everything settled!?", I asked with excitement

"Well.... Kind of sort of... so my parents did meet with the Dean this morning and we got some things settled in so that I could be able to come back to JCU. But my stalker is still out here so the Dean is planning to have a meeting in the auditorium for the students at JCU",she spoke

"I'm guessing a meeting to hire more security for this place, because this college is going to need it anyways", I said

"Yeah most definitely, listen here... if this stalker comes we'll be able to whoop his ass",she said with sass

"Hell yeah girl",I said as we gave each other a high five

Suddenly on the intercom, there was a ruffling and adjusting before the voice spoke

"Hello students of JCU, at 3:30 we will have a school meeting in the JCU main auditorium this is a very very important meeting so I would love to see each and everyone of you guys there", the Dean spoke through the intercom

"Welp there it goes, I'll see you at 3:30 then girl", I said finishing up my salad and throwing the bowl away

"Alright see ya then", Jessica spoke before we part ways

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