Chapter 3||Strange Request

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(Amber's pov)

        The time had hit 4:46 pm and I was in my dorm room looking out the window, contemplating on rather I should meet her or not but then again I have no idea where her working office is, what!? Did she expect me to automatically know just like how she expected me to know who she was. Girls like her that know they're related to someone in power always has their noses in the air and will unfortunately have the upper hand.

My phone had ding with the sound of a message

Kenny: Yo have you headed to her office?

Amber: No it's not 5

Kenny:Might wanna get there now, it's almost 5, she might give you a penalty or some shit

Amber: seriously Kenny who's side are you really on?

Kenny: lol no Amber you know it's not like that, of course I'm on your side we have history but you know how people that have power are

Amber:yeah yeah, I don't even know where her working office is ????

Kenny: it's 3334 José Street, room 100

Amber: what the fuck! How do you even know that? Is there something you're not telling me Kenny?

Kenny: Lol everybody knows this Amber, for crying out loud she's the President's daughter, people go there all the time 😉

Amber:what's with the winky face?

Kenny: nothing just hurry and head there

I take my keys and lock the door behind me. Kenny knows way more about her than just from a group chat. Kenny is seeming a little suspicious, what can my best friend for 5 years could possibly be hiding from me. I copied and paste the address in the maps app, and followed the directions.

After a few minutes, I arrived at the building, I went inside the building looking around each room to find room 100. Then when I hit the right corner, there was room 100. I knocked onto the door, then I heard a voice.

"Come innnnn"

The voice spoke

I walked inside the office, there was a green screen set up on the side with her desk clean and organized, the room was grey and pink. What an interesting office I could tell you that.

"Oh good it's you"

I slowly raised my hand greeting her,

"Well have a seat"

She said as she placed her hand right in the seat that was in front of her desk. I sat down in the chair, looking around the office, trying to avoid eye contact.

"So I wanted you to come here today to have you do me a favor and it requires a fashion project"

"Huh? But you do know this is my very first day, I haven't even attended my class for fashion  yet"

"I know you attend tomorrow, so I need some assistants tomorrow at class, would you be willing to take the offer?"

"Hold on hold on let's just back track here, so let me get this straight, you partially accepted my apology by making me come here so you can have me do a favor tomorrow at the fashion class? And how do you even know I had fashion class tomorrow?

"Yes that's exactly what I'm saying, and I know just about everybody's schedule hun. look I know this is sudden but I would really love for you to be my assistant for tomorrow, things are going to be hectic and I would love the help"

Even though this sounds freaking amazing because I'm going to have the opportunity to help her work on a project for fashion class tomorrow, I couldn't help but to have so many questions. This was odd to me.


"There's no so, I'm taking your answer as a yes. See ya tomorrow Amber"

She says as she forces me to get up and exit her office

"빨리, 빨리!" (Which means hurry up or quickly)

"I'm not Korean, I'm Taiwanese"

"赶快, 赶快!" (Which means hurry up)

"You know Mand-"

The door suddenly shut in my face before I could even get another word out.


I said finishing my sentence, I turned to leave out the building, soon as the fresh air hit my lungs, I breathed in deeply. Still confused as to why me? Is there something I don't know? All this within the first day? I don't know, all I know is that I have questions.

My phone suddenly rings again with a message

Kenny: How did it go?

Amber: Well she asked me to be an assistant for her tomorrow at fashion class

Kenny: See I told you, we're definitely in now, like officially

Amber: Woahhh what do you mean sir?

Kenny: I mean with Nia on your side, we get to have farrrr way more opportunities than the average student at JCU in the fashion major

Amber: Wow Kenny I will have to thank you bro, you are pure genius

Kenny: You know you can count on me bro, we got this in the bag, also you can buy dinner and bring it to the dorm to thank me

Amber: okay sure be there in a few

I stopped by a Chinese restaurant and made an order after waiting about 6-8 minutes, I grabbed it and headed towards Kenny's dorm. I got inside the building and found the room, knocking on the door but as I was waiting I heard loud music and people as if there was a party going on. Next thing you know Kenny answers the door, intoxicated.

"Yo I thought you said none of this and plus why would you have me come over with food when there's a whole fiesta in there?"

"Nah bro I haven't ate yet just come in and follow me"

I went inside and took his word for it. There were a few girls and some guys sitting on the couch, talking and chatting up loudly. He led me to his room and sat a folding table up and I placed the food down on the table, he grabbed two pillows seating them on the opposite side of the table.

"Now we can eat"

He says rubbing his hands together as we sat down  at the same time, grabbing some forks and chopsticks and taking the food out laying it out on the table.

"What's with the little party?"

"Oh it's some people me and my dorm mate know , we just decided to drink and talk, but enough about me, is there any more dets from Nia?"

"No, I just know she wants me to be her assistant for a fashion project tomorrow"

Kenny stops eating and looks up at me for a sec before speaking

"I think she likes you"


"Nah Albuquerque, yes Nia that's probably why she's picking on you so much"

Kenny said laughing picking up a dumpling

"Well I don't like her, but I'll admit her office is pretty wicked, she had a green screen, fashion magazines, plaques with certificates, even awards"

"Yeah she's well accomplished plus she probably has such a huge help from President Kelton I bet and I also bet she wants to marry Amber Tangy"

Kenny said teasingly, I flick some dumpling juice at him

"Oh hush not even over her dead body"

"She definitely wants your body"

I teasingly flicks some more dumpling juice at him as he laughed menacingly

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