Chapter 4||Cupid

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(Amber's pov)

I woke up to my alarm clock, reaching my hand out of my bed picking up my phone and quickly sitting up to turn it off. I sat in bed for a good minute the time on my phone was 9:45 AM, I had to attend class at 10:30 AM. I laid back down just for a few minutes, trying not to close my eyes but I know if I lay here any longer, I'll end up falling asleep again.

I forcefully got my body right out of bed as I went to use the bathroom, then I wash my hands after. I rush towards the kitchen to make me a bowl of oatmeal with sliced bananas, chia seeds, granolas, and sliced strawberries. I grabbed a spoon and sat at the table.

"Oh you're up, Goodmorning I'm leaving to go on a trip to my parents in Paris tomorrow just thought I let you know that"

My roommate spoke to me, as she grabbed some water out the fridge, she had on her workout clothes. She has evening classes, lucky for her.

"Okay thanks for letting me know"

I said

After I finished up my bowl of oatmeal, I had to go to the bathroom to do my daily routine. I then went into my closet to pick out what I was going to wear for today. I picked up my phone to look at the clock, it was now 10:10 AM. I got dressed.

I laid down, for a few more minutes before I leave out, I decided to scroll through Instagram, I haven't been on social media lately. I scrolled through the explore page and came across someone who definitely caught my eye, I went to the picture and it was a picture of a dark skin girl and she was dressed like a track star, so I went to her page. I scrolled through her pictures, suddenly I had got a weird feeling in my chest.

My heart started beating rapidly, it was something about this girl. I suddenly sat up, my breathing picked up heavily as if I was about to have a heart attack so I picked up some water beside my bed and drunk it. I looked at the time and it said 10:27 AM, I grabbed my book pack and grabbed the keys.

I locked up the door behind me, heading out towards the University, luckily my dorm was on campus I don't have to travel too far. I walked up to my first class which was African culture & History, I headed into the building down the hall. I finally hit the classroom and took a seat in the back of the class.

I looked around to see if Nia was in class, but she wasn't. Could she be working on the project?

"Hey Amber"

A voice suddenly spoke, I turned my head and saw that it was Nia. She walked slowly, sitting right next to me,

"How are you today?"

She spoke with excitement, as usual

"I'm doing alright, how are you so hype in the morning though?"

"Um... well I don't know, probs the coffee but then again this is just my personality"

She said before facing her attention to the teacher speaking, I stared at her for a minute until I realize I had to catch myself from staring so long.

"By the way, I need you to come a little bit early the director is demanding a lot"

In the back of my head I was thinking, why all of this for? Still the situation is so fishy to me. She was definitely up to something but just don't know what yet, I'll definitely investigate as I do best.

The time had past quickly and we were soon enough dismissed from class, Nia left out way before me as I exited the building to go to my next class. When I approached the other building, there was the principal, CEO, and the some professors standing outside of the building. The principal had a bullhorn in his hand.

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