Chapter 2||Trackstar

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(Khaddi's pov)

           Last year has been quite rough for me, my father passing away, my grades were changing for the worst, my coach having to tell me to take a break from track so that I can get my head straight and get my grades up so that I can continue to do track. I was in between a terrible decision that just made me more indecisive.

I was in my bed relaxing, I was currently back in Gambia now with my mother helping her out around the house til it was time for me to go back to JCU. This was my last week being at home and I honestly wanted to get my mom something special before I leave, I wanted to give her something that could keep her company while my little sisters were away at school and once they move out the house.

I was stuck between the decision of choosing track or picking a different major like Photography since I've always wanted to do photography as well before I decided I wanted to do track. I even have two cameras that I would take pictures with and also some pictures of me that my home girl took of me for my Instagram page.

My mother suddenly yelled my name from downstairs


"Jessica!? What's she doing all the way here in Gambia?"

I said running downstairs to see my bestfriend for 14 years,

"Omggg bestieeeeee"

We both yelled in unison, hugging each other tightly jumping in circles.

"Omg are you hungry? How did you get all the way to Gambia?"

I said walking towards the kitchen, making her plate of food that my mom made. She sits at the table as I grabbed a spoon and fork for her and placing the plate down in front of her. I fixed me a plate too and sat down next to her.

"Well I'm still attending school, they gave me a break because I simply wanted to visit my bestie"

She says but it doesn't seem convincible, I could see right through her, I know something is up.

"Jess you know you can tell me anything doesn't matter if it's embarrassing, now tell me what's really going on"

"Well..... I actually am on a break but it's because over a person that has been stalking me"

"What!? Let me lock the doors just in case they followed you here- babes what-"

I stumbled over my words as I got up and locked every door in the house, I quickly sat back down to get to the bottom of this story,

"So why did they give you a break? I don't get it"

"Well they said it's for the safety of the students at JCU but they are investigating the situation, my mother and father really didn't want me to go here to Gambia because it was hella risky but honestly I needed to see you, I needed to run to you for your support and possibly we could take this stalker down because the police probably won't do much, you know how they are when it comes to people who look like me and you"

I sighed at this terrible situation, I could tell that my friend was in complete distress and this was a very risky and scary case to deal with but I'm willing to help my friend no matter what.

"Well....where are you going to go? Because you know this is my last week off before I go back to school, you won't be able to go back to JCU, will you just go back to your parents house?"

"That's the only place and I know it'll be safe"

"Well you can stay here for the week then we can head to California Saturday night, I'll go back home with you just for your safety"

"That sounds like a perfect idea, thank you so much K"

"Babe you know I got you and I wished you could've told me sooner, I would've taken care of all this but glad you came either way, we got this babe"

"But one more question, do you possibly know who the person is?"

"No, that's the thing, I just know for a fact that there's someone stalking, they leave letters as well, saying "I love you, be with me" and "if I can't have you no one can" and also they would send me flowers"

"Possibly could be an ex?"

"Not sure"

This was definitely a mystery worth solving to be honest, I hate to see my friend in a frantic and also her not having any idea who this person could be. I said if you ask me it maybe one of her exes. We finished up our food and decided to go back up to my room.

I took out some blankets and a towel and rag out for her and an air mattress. She blew up her bed and laid out the blanket and covers. I got comfortable in my bed but realized something

"Ooh let me go get some ice cream for us, like how we use to do when we did sleepovers"

"Oooh yessss"

Jessica said excitedly

I headed downstairs to the kitchen, I grabbed two bowls from the cabinet and grabbed the scooper out the draw and the ice cream from the fridge. I scooped about four to five scoops inside and the bowls and grabbed some spoons heading back upstairs.

I handed her one bowl and kept one bowl for myself, grabbing the remote to watch some classical Disney movies on Disney+.

"Wow come to think about it, it's been so long since we actually hung out and talked for real"

Jessica said

I reminisced on memories before I responded

"That is very true, we should take some time out to hang out like this again, like seriously"


"You remember in 6th grade we liked the same dude but we didn't know until we started describing him to each other"

"Omg yesss and come to find out he was playing both of us at the same time"

"I knowwww he was  a big asshole honestly, but we all were young and dumb"

"Yeah.., come to think of it what was his name cause I think I saw him in my class"

"What? You sure it was James Green? Thee James Green that every girl basically liked as well?"

"Yeah that was his name James Green, I saw him but I didn't say anything, at first I wasn't sure if it was him or not but turned out it was him"

"Wow that's crazyyyy, he actually attends JCU"

"Yes girl"

"Oh by the way, I need you to go to the humane society tomorrow with me"

"Oooh plan on getting a new puppy, cat?"

"Not for me, for my mom"

"Oooh yes I love surprises"

We both laughed in unison, laughing our lungs out, reminiscing on memories back in school. I was glad Jessica had came here to be honest, even though it was risky for her. I need to protect my friend as much as I can.

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