4 || sᴀᴡ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴄᴏᴍɪɴɢ

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   Airbags suffocating you? Check. Pain everywhere? Yup. Traumatised? Getting there.

Sliding out of the wreckage, immediately startled by a humongous robot with mean little red eyes. Scrambling nag, breath held, fearing that if you were to look away one second you'd get a first person view on an machines innards.

Leering at all those beneath them, secreting a highly toxic superiority complex, luckily uninterested in all but one.

Spitting at Sam, giving shifty looks to each human present, leaving you to wonder why you hadn't risked an apprenticeship at that tech company in Chicago instead.

Pretty sure they weren't infested by killer robots. 

Pushing yourself up, trembling worse than a Chihuahua at winter, growls of malicious intent dragging your attention away from one robot to another.

Whereas your first Robot had seemed evil in a goofy way, this newcomer certainly made a name for themselves in regards to a villainous aesthetic.

"c'mere, boy" did this robot sound like an evil warlord? Yes. Yes, he did.

Holding no envy Sam who had started a cautious approach, carefully making his way down some metal steps, constantly facing this warlord.

"That's right... you remember me, don't you"

Sam in spite of being rightfully terrified offered both hands up in pitiful surrender "I did as you said, okay, just don't hurt us -"

You had to give him points for not stumbling.

Seconds was all it took for him to be smacked aside by the Warlord. Mikeala shrieked, Sam sent careening through the air and landing heavily on his backside.

Drawing closer to Leo, toolbox in hand having gained a slight attachment to it after the numerous life-or-death situations you'd been through in the past hour.

Even so, worse case scenario there may be a kind of weapon inside - placing aside a prominent scuffling sound you'd been diligently ignoring for the past half hour.

Warlord bore his teeth, pinning Sam down with long metal talons, leaning in close, uttering  singularly most disturbing sentence you've heard this week; "yes, yes... it feels good to grab your flesh" 

Mikaela approached a shabby looking railing, gripping it tight. Mouth agape, a woman caught between screaming in fear on behalf of a former lover, or remaining silent as the grave.

"I am going to kill you" explained the Warlord "slowly, painfully! But first, we have some delicate work to do"

Mentioning something about a doctor, failing hear a complete exchange of dialogue. By the way things seemed to be naturally falling, Sam was due to become an unwilling participant in a vivisection.

Some freaky looking spidery robot popped out it's leaders armoured plating, crawling across Sam's torso, jibbering whilst it examined the patient.

It was difficult to tell exactly what was going on. Beyond some additional drones plopping off this metallic parasite, your mind instantly drew comparisons to Arachnophobia.

Actually, that didn't sound a worthy comparison. This was considerably more terrifying.

One horrifying procedure later, holograms (indistinct from your position) were projected. Sam yelling something about his brain, gaining a simple answer of "you have something on your mind. Something I need"

"Hey, hey. I know why you're doing this. I tried to kill you. You try to kill me. I understand completely. I mean, if someone tried to kill me, I would be pissed too" - a spider began tugging at his mouth, poking round inside - "but I think we have an opportunity here, to rebuild our relationship and start anew here, and - and rethink some things here. So call Doctor Inspector off here! -"

Then the ceiling caved in.

As one would normally do, when surrounded by giants from outer space, you barged into the two beside you shrieking at them to move.

Leo snatched Mikaela's hand, dragging her away, leaving you to straggle behind them  forgoing stealth entirely.

You weren't an idiot, in spite of your mind buffering from all this information. No way could you survive here. Run fast, don't die.

Spotting a Yellow and Black robot close by led you to stumble via distraction. Obviously that was Sam's Camaro, or a warrior dinning an uncannily similar colour scheme.

Considering Sam was in league with aliens, it made sense one was protecting him. Vaguely able to recall one of similar design during that complicated store trip. Though almost everything from then had become a jumbled mess of memories.

Besides, one of the robots turned into a fighter jet proving any sized space robot could transform into average sized transportation. So, anyone could put two and two together.

The other was an impressive goliath of red and blue, weilding a sword, incredibly intimidating. Gunning for the Warlord, named Megatron, both titans clashing.

In the background, you and the other humans made a break for it as the two colourful robots with blue eyes protected you.

Sam hadn't joined up with your ragtag bunch, quite where he wound up was anybody's business, part of you worried for his safety yet at the same time hoped that this would all be other soon and it was just a... minor altercation.

Making it outside, you gunned for the yellow Camaro who skidded to a stop in front of the building and threw open its doors.

Launching yourself into the driver's seat without question, box chucked behind, seat belt snapping into place instantly.

"Nice to see you again -" you greeted feebly, joined by Leo and Mikaela and only gaining a brief whirr of greeting from the vehicle themself.

Truthfully, the fact you weren't hallucinating was a major relief.

It wasn't long before the Camero was speeding forwards, Sam continuing to allude you all. Though in the wing mirror a blue and red Semi was escaping in the opposite direction.

Leo hung out the passenger's window, looking back, encouraging the Camaro to speed up. Mikaela, who had taken up the back seats, was leaving through the gap with uneven breaths as the adrenaline still coursed through her veins.

Hands resting on the wheel, practically in death grip, the thing in the box having fallen oddly silent five minutes ago "are we going to get that explanation yet!" hissed Leo after ducking inside, glaring at the girl.

"yeah. Autobots are good, Deceptions are bad. Sam's with the leader. We are going to help them, right Bee" the Camero, or Bee, buzzed in confirmation and lurched forward at a greater speed as he flew down the motorway.

Soon shredding through grassy turf, a battle occurring, reaching this place just in time to witness the leader of the Autobots skewered on a treetrunk by Megatron.

In spite of not knowing the Autobot for longer than ten minutes, it was a scene that nonetheless made a sour taste in your mouth.

Sam, after screaming the leaders name, had been called away by neon green Autobots who shot rapidly at the enemy.

Leo was encouraged into the back by Bee, as Sam scrambled inside for safety, not long after the Camaro raced away from the devastation as he looked out with an utterly devastated expression.

Meanwhile, grip tight upon the steering wheel, adrenaline just now failing. Forehead pressed upon the outer ring, sighing shakily, mumbling encouragement.

This was way too much!

Knowledge garnered from movies informed you that, right now, you were a a side character. Destined to die, or become a reoccuring character.

Ah, well. College was... Probably extremely boring anyway.

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