10 || ᴛᴇᴍᴘʟᴇ ᴏғ ᴅᴏᴏᴍ

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   Well-Rested, situation discussed with the accompanying Autobots, hitting the open road fully intending on heading to Jordan. A sentence not many have said, though an impending appocolypse did bring about strange changes.

Disregarding whatever the speed limit was as the Autobots shredded rubber, distance being covered at a rapid pace.

Only too thankful to have the backseat to yourself, able to sit more comfortably without fighting for space.

Earlier it was decided that the group ought to spread themselves out more. Simmons with Mudflap, Leo partnered with Skids.

Mainly to avoid any suspicion.

Wheelie had been oddly quiet, up until ten minutes ago. Complaining loudly about how long it's taking, whining about oppression.

Trying your best to ignore him, despite him sitting beside you, finding it to be highly irksome and eventually reaching breaking point;

"Oh my god, Wheelie, shut up!!"

But-like eyes snapping onto your existence, pointing accusingly towards you, adopting a threatening step forwards "Hey! You ain't the one that's been stuck in a fricken' box for two long ass days! I'm gettin' cabin fever!"

"Well, yeah, true - but I think you can be patient, considering, oh, I don't know, the world might end!"

"you be patient, bitch"

Scoffing, arms crossed stubbornly, glowering down upon him.

Having a strong urge to retort, mouth opened to speak, cut off last second "that's what I thought! Stupid-ass –" Bees seatbelt ensnared the little bot. Startling Wheelie, restrained against the seat, letting out a yelp.

Sam, glancing in the rear-view mirror "you two going to behave? Act like you're a team?" giving him a funny look, jutting your chin towards Mikaela "didn't exactly see you rolling out the welcome mat -"

His gaze hardened into a glare. Realising that, maybe, this was not time raising both arms in quick surrender "- alright, fine. I'll ignore the fact he called me a Bitch and has decided to verbally attack me" you stated dryly, scowling.

Catching an eye roll from Sam, adjusting his grip upon the steering wheel, sighing heavily "look… I get it, okay. It's been a long two weeks. Everyone's stressed, I'm stressed, we're all stressed. But we've gotta cooperate. We're a team now, only got each other until… until we save Optimus, and stop the Fallen, alright?"

Turning your attention to the small Autobot, who was sitting down in a huff, arms folded almost mimicking your form. Huffing, extending your hand, nudging Wheelie who cautiously analysed it.

Accepting sharp little digits digging into your palm, baking it with impressive strength. No words were exchanged. Just begrudging acknowledgement, unaware that a friendship was soon to bloom in the future.


   There lay a doorway, sticking out against the rough terrain. Large enough for Bee to walk through comfortably, thinking back maybe even Optimus could stride through with no issue.

In short, it was tall.

"You see the size of this? Spectacular!"

Sam ran on ahead, Simmons (shortly after announcing his awe) followed with Mikaela, Leo and you bringing up the rear. Wheelie taking up residence on your shoulder earlier, shot down by two other people beforehand and you were pretty much the only one who hadn't registered your dislike of him as openly.

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