Chapter 12 [part 2]

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My objection was worthless, I knew it, but I couldn't leave it at that.

'Why him? I want to lead,' I said hiding the trembling in my throat.

'I'm sorry my lady, but it doesn't work that way.'

'You heard him princess, it doesn't work that way,' Caelus repeated sarcastically.


'I am the one who determines who leads and who trusts. In your case it is clear.'

I watched Caelus out of the corner of my eye.

It was clear why. Echo knew Caelus would throw me into the void without a thought. So what was I supposed to do?

I approached Caelus, and wanted to pull him away for a few seconds, to beg him not to simply throw me away, to consider me more than the weight on his back.

Before I could say anything that would assure me of passing the test, Caelus asked a question that felt like he had shot an arrow right through my heart.

'You made your copy of the map didn't you?'

I had it secured in my bag, but I couldn't tell him that.

'Maybe,' I replied not knowing what to say.


My legs were shaking at what was about to happen.

The first time I had believed that Caelus had betrayed me, it had not been true, but a ruse to fool his friends. But now, there was no doubt about it. He wouldn't think about it, he would throw me over the bridge and then call one of his henchmen to finish the journey.

The map was the only thing I could offer him, and he had already made sure that wasn't a problem.

What else could I do?

I couldn't change the rules, I couldn't object and call it a day, I could only keep moving forward, even if it meant to walk to my own death.

'Are you ready?' Echo asked us and I could only nod.

The angeli untied a cloth hanging from his cane and approached me with a fixed idea. He would cover my eyes and after that it would only be left to start with the test.

Before he denied me from my sight, I caught a glimpse of Caelus. 

In my eyes I drew a request, a plea that he would give me the opportunity to continue. But he just froze, a wall building up between us.

I began to pray to the Gods.

Dying at some point would be one more step in my life, a step towards reuniting with my loved ones. But... I felt I still had a lot of things to do. A Kingdom to save, people to rescue from the darkness, all that would be lost if Caelus let me fall.

Echo locked me behind the cloth and I couldn't see anymore.

I stood very still, sharpening my other senses for lack of one.

'You'll take her over the bridge, I'll wait for both of you on the other side, or well, I'll wait for just you.'

I ached even more knowing that was the most likely scenario. Caelus would make it to the other side, but I would not.

I didn't move from where I was, until I felt hands taking mine.

'If I may, your Majesty,' Caelus held me tight and began to pull me forward.

'Caelus... please.'

'Just trust princess, just trust.'

That was the problem, I didn't trust him.

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