Chapter 1 - Revelry

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Calico Jack was gone, sent adrift in a rowboat. Ed nearly left with him, but in the end, chose to remain on the Revenge.

Ed wasn't sure whether that would be a decision he would regret. But there was something very freeing about choosing to leave Jack, and thus a part of himself, behind.

Ed couldn't tell if Jack's banishment pleased Izzy or not. The man's face looked the same either way. Izzy had never been Jack's biggest fan, but Ed bet he'd  prefer to sail with him over every current member of his crew. Even Fang and Ivan seemed to be happy with the new rhythm of things.

Stede on the other hand, was clearly pleased - maybe as pleased as Ed had ever seen him in the few short weeks they'd known each other. But then again, that man's eyes got big as saucers at the sight of a moth, so Ed wasn't sure he'd gotten him figured out.

"Well, that's that, then. I know he's your friend, Ed, but he was a toxic influence on the crew. And on you as well," Stede declared.

Something about those words stung Ed just a little. He wasn't not-not himself with Jack. It was just that being around him seemed to bring out the part of him that enjoyed giving and receiving pain. Cut your finger and you'll forget about your chronic headache, if only for a little while.

But slowly, Stede was showing him that a moment of warmth and connection could be just as distracting.

Life continued in the closest way the Revenge had to normalcy over the next several days. Izzy still loomed over them and seemed to hold on to the faint hope that he could whip them into a crew worthy to sail under Blackbeard. The crew, for the most part, avoided doing real work when at all possible, except to keep them moving and keep them supplied.

"They're getting restless. Can't say that I blame them," said Stede where he stood leaning over the railing, his brow furrowed. He was wearing a sunshine yellow silk frock coat, waistcoat and breeches ensemble. With his flax-blond hair, light green stockings and brown shoes,he looked like a dandelion.

It made Ed smile.

"Why do you treat them like children sometimes?" Ed asked.

Stede looked a little wounded by that, a sad crinkle appearing around the corner of his mouth.

Ed instinctively reached out to squeeze his wrist. "Didn't mean it like that, mate. Just something I've noticed, is all. If you think they're getting bored, you feel like you have to give them a task or entertain them somehow."

"Well," began Stede, "Boredom's no good for the soul. I spent a lot of years being bored, myself. It's not a lot of fun, feeling like you've got no purpose. Even if that purpose is small, or as simple as expressing yourself."

Ed felt that right down his toes. These weird bits of synchronicity kept happening where he felt like he and this strange little man had flashes of perfect understanding. He grew silent for a moment as he contemplated the man's clothing, with its yellow silk with soft flower patterns, its delicate lace and bits of embellishments. He found himself wishing he could slide his fingers over the silk warmed by the heat of Stede's body, to smell the posh soaps on his skin, to...

"What is it?"


"You're just kind of..staring a little bit. Something on your mind?"

Ed ducked his head away a little shyly and reached up to tighten the band holding the hair off his face. "Mhmm, oh, just...if you want an idea to entertain them, I think I have one. Might do us all some good."

"Oh? Do tell!" Stede beamed.

Ed's idea involved surprising a boat full of rum runners as they moved a small cargo of booze and trade goods from one small island to the other.

The Accidental Seduction of Edward Teach by Stede Bonnet, Gentleman PirateWhere stories live. Discover now